Viewing office documents on the iPhone

18 Oct 2002
Andover, Hampshire
Hi all, I'm after a little bit of help.

I have an iPhone 3Gs and im wanting to put my work documents on to it to view - when away from my computer. Firstly i need to know if i need any specialist software to do this, and secondly i need to know HOW to put the file on to the iPhone (cos im really running into difficulty on this part).

I can see them if i add them to an email and open them that way - but i cant trawl though all my emails to find the document i want. There HAS to be an easier way than this to do it.

Please help me
Try AirSharing - it's on the App Store. You can copy docs to your phone over wireless and view them. Works well.
Or you could always send the office document as an attachment to the email address you have setup in the mail app.

Works fine for me but there is probably a few better apps out there. ;)
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