Viewsonic VX2025 screen res advice please

21 Oct 2002
Just got this up and running and went straight into COD2 singleplayer to test. I keep getting an on screen warning to change screen res to 1680 x 1050 but the only in game resolutions near this are 1280 x 1024 1600x1200 and 2048x1536.

I set it to 1600x1200 but it reverts me back to 1280x1024 in display options setup. The res in windows is set to the max of 1680x1050.
any ideas gratefully received.
Im not too sure about COD2, but in css I had to change the aspect ratio setting to 16:10 before the correct resolution became available in the other drop-down menu!
hehe, indeed, Im new to Widescreen too, only got mine on Tuesday lol!

loving playing games with it though, so much more immersive, and wicked fps with my spanking new 512meg x1800xt :P
gr1mey said:
Im not too sure about COD2, but in css I had to change the aspect ratio setting to 16:10 before the correct resolution became available in the other drop-down menu!
how do you adjust the aspect ratio then?
I started playing COD2 for the first time today on my new VX2025 monitor. I've got the screen resolution set to automatic in the game settings. Only the intro video when you start the game is in lower resolution for some reason, but when you get to the menu screen it's the correct resolution (1680x1050).
Does the viewsonic scale screen res? so in other words if you run 1280x768 it stretches the image for full size? I was wondering because of the xbox 360 ;) Sorry to grab ya thread BTW
drunkenmunky said:
I started playing COD2 for the first time today on my new VX2025 monitor. I've got the screen resolution set to automatic in the game settings. Only the intro video when you start the game is in lower resolution for some reason, but when you get to the menu screen it's the correct resolution (1680x1050).

sorry but I cant see any screen res settings, automatic or otherwise in the game settings. please guide me


Dark_Angel said:
Does the viewsonic scale screen res? so in other words if you run 1280x768 it stretches the image for full size? I was wondering because of the xbox 360 ;) Sorry to grab ya thread BTW

No, it doesn't do image scaling, and it can't be forced via ati or nvidia drivers either. So it'll stretch the image. Shame really, as otherwise it's a brilliant screen for gaming.
footman said:
sorry but I cant see any screen res settings, automatic or otherwise in the game settings. please guide me



Start the game.
From the menu, go to Options.
Under System, go to Graphics.

Then select the following...

Video Mode = 1680x1050
Screen Refresh Rate = 60hz
Aspect Ratio = Auto

If you can't select 1680x1050 then your graphics card probably doesn't support that resolution so unfortunately you won't get the best picture. Selecting Auto may stretch the picture for you, have a play around with it and adjust the aspect ratio to how it suits you.
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drunkenmunky said:
Start the game.
From the menu, go to Options.
Under System, go to Graphics.

Then select the following...

Video Mode = 1680x1050
Screen Refresh Rate = 60hz
Aspect Ratio = Auto

If you can't select 1680x1050 then your graphics card probably doesn't support that resolution so unfortunately you won't get the best picture. Selecting Auto may stretch the picture for you, have a play around with it and adjust the aspect ratio to how it suits you.

I simply havnt got that resolution option. The card must support that res because thats what my desktop is on.
drunkenmunky said:
Weird. Are you sure your desktop is true 1680x1050 or is the image stretched? What graphics card have you got?

HIS x1900xt-x so it is pretty good. Ive managed to run it in CDO2 demo by editing the config file, so ill try COD2 itself later. thanks for the interest btw :)
tedmaul said:
No, it doesn't do image scaling, and it can't be forced via ati or nvidia drivers either. So it'll stretch the image. Shame really, as otherwise it's a brilliant screen for gaming.

So does that mean that its always completely a full screen image? because I really do want it to stretch the image so there is no black borders at all... for example, if I put the 360 thru it (which has a top res of 1366x768) would there be no borders at all, and the image fill the entire screen? and the same with say 640x480, it would not keep the 4x3 ratio and would instead completely fill the screen?

I am sorry for being a pain... I just really do like the look of this monitor, but I dont want large borders if I am playing DVD's and my 360 and so on...
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