Vine Weevils attacking rose

18 Oct 2002
Has anyone else had problems with these little ****?

In the last 4 nights i've picked off over 50 from my rose. The poor thing has a bit taken out of every leaf and some at the back are almost stripped bare. It was doing quite well until it started to get attacked.

Nothing else has been touched and I don't understand why there are so many? Is it possible the grubs were in the root of the plant when we bought it?

We bought it a few months ago in a pot but planted it straight away. I wouldn't have expected it to survive if the grubs had been eating away at it all this time?

Any tips appreciated.
Just an update, my garden is invested with the damn things! They were even eating the sage tonight! I must have killed 100 of the things over the last week which, in a garden as small as ours, must be some sort of record.

I do think the rose is ground zero, the adults just seem to come up from the soil around the base and it does not look well at all. I've treated the rose and every pot plant in the garden with nematodes.

I will keep checking the garden after dark and repeat the treatment in September.

Horrible little ****
My roses looked in a similar state the other week. I used soapy water in a spray bottle and then the following night got hold of some Roseclear. Seems to have stopped them dead in their tracks.
Rose clear has worked wonders for me before, but doesn't help with this pest. Soapy water would help but I prefer the satisfying stomping approach :)

Notches taken out of the leaves are the thing to watch for, and indeed any potted, or recently potted, plant that suddenly starts to wilt could have the grubs present in the soil (the real danger)

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Hmm, a few of mine look a bit like that. I also tried roseclear and it has done a great job of stopping the blackspot and aphids, but doesn't seem to be stopping the leaves slowly disappearing!

Please update the thread if you find a solution.
Best solution is to go out after dark with a head torch, pick them off and crush them. They are quite easy to catch.

I'm finding fewer now per night so I think things have improved. The rose looks like it will survive, there are new shoots coming up still. Hopefully the grubs will be dying now after the nematode treatment.
I work at a garden centre, are you still having this problem?

I can check with our planteria expert tomorrow for you, but I know we sell a product by Bayer Garden called 'Provado Vine Weevil Killer' this is the stuff you need - I know Rose Clear etc. don't usually state their effectiveness agains Vine Weevils
Thanks but I'm only finding 4 or 5 not each night now so I think it's under control. The rose itself did actually come from a garden centre and it's tempting to go and speak to them about it.
You can get that nematode thing you water into your soil....these little bug thing make the weevils explode.

I dont even understand what a nematode is but the product is
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