Viper 580watt power supply..only comes with one 6 pin PCI-Express cable

27 Nov 2005
I have just phoned viper up about there power supply to find out if it comes with two 6 pin pci-e Connectors...

They say it only comes with one 6 pin PCI express Connector cable ..and one twin molex Connector to pci-e 6 pin.. :(

Can someone who has a viper 580watt running sli please tell me if having this twin molex connector to pci-e 6 pin lead looks a mess or not...

Why can they not just give you two 6 pin PCI express Connector cables..or is it not possible to fit two of these cables to the power supply
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Don't you mean Hiper? If so i have the Hiper Type R 580w modular psu powering my sli rig. It did only have the one pci-e lead but i am also using one of the 2x molex into 1x pci-e dongle with no problems at all. Just make sure there is nothing else taking power from the two molex leads that you use for the graphics card. It's no great hassle as it comes with enough splitters to power everything else off the rest of the molex leads.

There is a version i believe now that is SLI certified, so i would presume that does have 2x pci-e leads. Either way it's not a problem.
Do you possibly mean hiper instead of viper?

I used to have a hiper and the PCI-e cable only had a different no. input holes/pins to the other molex one so i guess that would make it impossible to attach another one in without a converter.

What case is it going in as this will also have an effect on how tidy it looks, ie in my coolermaster centurion 520 the end of the card is close (ish) to the drive bay so is easy to hide cables in there.

Hope that helps a bit

*edit - beaten to it*
i use a Hiper 580w Type-R, not running SLi though

the molex to PCIe cable looks fine, just like all the other cables... rounded cable and it blends in nicely and yes i would imagine you could hide it quite well
Thanks for the replys guys.. was hiper i meant..

The case i been looking at getting is one of the Lian Li cases v1000, v1100, v1200
hiya - as you can see from me siggy I have the V1200 - the reason I went for that was the extra length of the case.

the Hiper plugs at the back of the PSU do take up quite a bit of space.

a mate has to mod his V1100 case to fit his psu in - the hardrive cage was just too close for the plug in psu cables.

the V12000 has a little more room and I didn't find any problems at all with the Hiper I bought.

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