Virgin Atlantic or Delta? (Flying LHR to SFO)

16 Nov 2002
The Moon
Hi all, I am being flown out to San Fran for a work meeting in a couple of weeks and have been told to book some flights over there.
Much to my dismay they wont pay for business but have said they will reimburse Premium Economy tickets.

Looking at timings and costs the only two options are Virgin Atlantic (787-9) or Delta (777-200 and 787-9).

Being that I haven't flown with either airline before and that I've only really ever flown cattle class before I was wondering if any of you fine folk have opinions on which airline is better overall?
In particular which would be a better Premium Economy experience given they both offer one (especially on the LHR to SFO route)?
We’re going back quite a few years since I flew with either of them but in my experience, Virgin was better than Delta.

Flew Virgin a few times to Florida, and Delta to Boston and NYC.

Do regular trips to LA and premium economy is just fine. I would go as far to say business is not worth it really.
That’s a bit rough, 11 hours PE I hope they are flying you there at least a day before! Anyway Virgin PE over Delta, unless you can upgrade yourself to business (own pocket, cash or miles) and Delta is cheaper.

eta I’m old and too used to business class obv!
Virgin over Delta for me and used to do that route a fair bit and I suspect I am about to start again soon. I tended to get up front with UC but PE is decent step up over Economy on Virgin.

Do regular trips to LA and premium economy is just fine. I would go as far to say business is not worth it really.
Depends who’s paying:p The Virgin Upper class experience from LHR is unbeatable. Driving up to the private entrance (or being driven rather), like the Savoy, three people to greet you, take bags, give you your ticket. It’s fantastic. The lounge is the best there is too. I love it and feel very fortunate to be able to do it with work once a year or so to LA.

Are Delta the sister airline to virgin now? If so I think they’re pretty dire. Girlfriend missed a Virgin connection and had to fly with them. It was awful even in business.
Yes, but its not VFM is my point.
Depends if your employer needs you to go straight into the office/meeting and put a shift in on your arrival.

In which case, business makes a lot of sense as you get a decent sleep or room to work on a presentation or similar.

Employers that don’t stump up for business seats on long flights are cheap ******** who don’t value their key employee.
For anyone flying Virgin UC to/from SFO, please remember that the Virgin lounge in SFO is BEFORE passport control/security, so take it easy on the champagne cocktails and avoid undue attention from TSA staff.
Depends who’s paying:p The Virgin Upper class experience from LHR is unbeatable. Driving up to the private entrance (or being driven rather), like the Savoy, three people to greet you, take bags, give you your ticket. It’s fantastic. The lounge is the best there is too. I love it and feel very fortunate to be able to do it with work once a year or so to LA.

Are Delta the sister airline to virgin now? If so I think they’re pretty dire. Girlfriend missed a Virgin connection and had to fly with them. It was awful even in business.

I used to get flown out to SFO 3-4 times a year back when I worked for Evil Corp. and the Virgin UC experience made it a treat instead of chore.
Depends if your employer needs you to go straight into the office/meeting and put a shift in on your arrival.

In which case, business makes a lot of sense as you get a decent sleep or room to work on a presentation or similar.

Employers that don’t stump up for business seats on long flights are cheap ******** who don’t value their key employee.
On the flip side, I'd rather that more people could fly economy if it means more junior staff can travel without question, and not just 'key employees'. I fly regularly to the West coast of the US, I'm 6 foot 2 and I don't have a problem in economy, or being tired at the other end.

Out of the two choices here, I'd go with either of the 787s. I actually quite like Delta, never had a problem with them. Virgin get a bit tight with the drinks sometimes and stop serving alcohol about 2 hours before landing.
In particular which would be a better Premium Economy experience given they both offer one (especially on the LHR to SFO route)?

Virgin, but you could also use their "Bid for an upgrade program" and just put a low ball £100 offer in for an Upper Class ticket before you leave. Have a look at the seat availability on the specific flight on the whole plane, and then look at how full Upper Class is, this will indicate whether your bid may be successful. I believe that coming back $150 used to be the lowest offer they'd accept, but I am not sure if that has changed post-pandemic.

Obviously Delta partner with Virgin, so you might end up on Delta flight on the way back, check the code, look up the flight number etc. before you commit to the booking. I assume you get to chose which day/time you return? I used to take an extra day or two normally from holiday allowance if going someplace interesting, even managed to get the same accommodation (if it was in a good place) and pay the lower rate if it was corporate booked.
Either way, hit the bloody Mary`s the defacto choice for long haul business flights. Alcohol to take away the chores, and the tomato juice to maintain a healthy balance of vitamins :) Oh and the salt for the sweat loss :) :)
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