Virgin Atlantic Vs Delta Airlines?

31 May 2005
Choosing between flights and for the same route, within an hour of each other is either Virgin or Delta.

Any preferences on here?

Other than getting dragged off of Delta :D
Thanks guys.

I will risk it with Delta, only because they are the first flight of the day on the way out (JFK) and the last flight back on the way in (LHR) so gives me more time :D

I have heard that Virgins planes are more comfy/larger on the same route?
They are part of the same alliance and code share quite a lot. In fact i think Delta has a large share of Virgin. Make sure that you are actually on Virgin plane and not just a Delta ticket on a Virgin flight and vice versa. I've flown both dozens of times, made Gold frequent flier in previous years but not this one for obvious reasons. I like Virgin, have flown all classes multiple times. They were getting new aircraft too. Just retired their last 747s i think.

Well, have just booked through Virgin directly on a Delta flight.

Not sure what that means if the Delta flight gets cancelled, can I get a Virgin one? I guess not.
Spoke with Virgin earlier this evening.

Got through to a pleasant chap after about 1 minute hold time who was working from home.

They switched the flights to Virgin ones.. no problem at all, very efficient. I lose 2 hours of the trip as the planes are 1hr later leaving and 1hr earlier coming back but not the end of the world.

Was just not feeling it with Delta, even in economy, there seems to just a little bit more space with Virgin but all helps on an 8 hour flight.

As a bonus, I get to go on a Dreamliner on the way back :D
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