This is happening April 14th. Seems to be limited to cardboard. Mind you, not sure I'd want to witness an operation, especially one like this.
"Doctors at The Royal London Hospital, in partnership with virtual reality company Medical Realities and live-streaming service Matavision, will perform the first operation to allow viewers to participate using virtual reality.
The patient is a man in his 70’s who is suffering from colon cancer. He is said to be “excited” about participating in the groundbreaking broadcast. This said, there’s always the risk of complications in surgery, so the livestream will be delayed by one minute to allow broadcasters to cut the broadcast off, much like the seven-second delay used in live television."
"Doctors at The Royal London Hospital, in partnership with virtual reality company Medical Realities and live-streaming service Matavision, will perform the first operation to allow viewers to participate using virtual reality.
The patient is a man in his 70’s who is suffering from colon cancer. He is said to be “excited” about participating in the groundbreaking broadcast. This said, there’s always the risk of complications in surgery, so the livestream will be delayed by one minute to allow broadcasters to cut the broadcast off, much like the seven-second delay used in live television."