Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality

13 Nov 2013
We've all seen the hype behind VR, company after company jump on the bandwagon, developers tweak their games to make them VR friendly, device after device released. I've always felt that something is missing from this picture and I think what's missing is the 'now'. VR promises a lot but that seems to always be somewhere in the near future.

I was browsing the news yesterday and I stumpled upon an article about Nintendo's recent stock price surge, which was caused by the seemingly massive hit, the Pokemon Go mobile game. The gameplay is quite simple (catch Pokemons in the real world) but I believe its success is a taste of things to come. Pookemon Go has that 'now'.

I believe AR is true 'next step' in the future of gaming while VR will be limited to a niche, enthusiast market. AR does not cut you off from the world(you can go Pokemon hunting during your holiday in Norway), it has more potential for social interaction and it doesn't need expensive, cumbersome devices because the processing power only needs to focus on elements added to the real world, rather than simulating everything.

What do you think?
I think two different markets and both have the potential to do really well, for PC gaming AR could be a bit limited where VR can be more immersive but at the same time VR will probably never really work on mobile.
Google Glass Pokemon Go overlay, with accelerometer/gyrometer in an attachment on your hand so you can throw virtual balls!
AR is going to be massive.

Maybe not the future of gaming (I actually think VR has the edge there), but certainly absolutely huge for day to day life.
Isn't what Microsoft are working on with Hololens essentially a mix between VR and AR? AR has been round for a while and is the first time It's been properly implemented into a game which is the perfect setup for Pokemon.

Not sure what else can be done with it without being restricted to a headset/mobile phone walking around the streets, AR Zombie Survival?
I think AR is the future, as it allows people to build in games/experiences to their everyday humdrum life, just like phones allowing social media interaction alongside work.

Pokemon GO is likely just the start.
Can you imagine sat on the tube managing an empire in space suspended before your eyes in the carriage.
Can you imagine CS in your own home, terrorists throughout the house, and using a plastic gun/phone combo, or even google glass type lenses to 'see' them as you hunt them down.
Can you imagine managing virtual soldiers on your desk battlefield while you beaver away mindlessly on the phone on a service desk.

Full VR at home will have a place too, but will likely be niche in comparison. For full immersion you want to be walking/running outside the game, if you are walking/running inside the game. Currently you cant, so the best games will probably be flight/driving sims where in game you are sat down too.

I agree we aren't there yet, but how big a leap is it to get there for AR, not far I think. Pokemon is the tip of the iceberg, look at the sales, the future looks interesting.

With more AR techie advances perhaps we will one day see something like WOW being played out in the real world, where people can re-skin how they appear to anyone plugged into the game. A walk to the shops will become a fight for life against other players, a drive to work in a self driving car an opportunity to relive world of tanks in your turret.

Once you can smoothly 'place' something virtual into the real world the opportunities are limitless.
[GSV]Lemming;29773124 said:
I think AR is the future, as it allows people to build in games/experiences to their everyday humdrum life, just like phones allowing social media interaction alongside work.

Pokemon GO is likely just the start.
Can you imagine sat on the tube managing an empire in space suspended before your eyes in the carriage.
Can you imagine CS in your own home, terrorists throughout the house, and using a plastic gun/phone combo, or even google glass type lenses to 'see' them as you hunt them down.
Can you imagine managing virtual soldiers on your desk battlefield while you beaver away mindlessly on the phone on a service desk.

Full VR at home will have a place too, but will likely be niche in comparison. For full immersion you want to be walking/running outside the game, if you are walking/running inside the game. Currently you cant, so the best games will probably be flight/driving sims where in game you are sat down too.

I agree we aren't there yet, but how big a leap is it to get there for AR, not far I think. Pokemon is the tip of the iceberg, look at the sales, the future looks interesting.

With more AR techie advances perhaps we will one day see something like WOW being played out in the real world, where people can re-skin how they appear to anyone plugged into the game. A walk to the shops will become a fight for life against other players, a drive to work in a self driving car an opportunity to relive world of tanks in your turret.

Once you can smoothly 'place' something virtual into the real world the opportunities are limitless.

Can you imagine shaking a controller at the screen and seeing a guy on screen boxing... amazing... right up till you realise it's not actually fun at all, 100million or so people fell for that and promptly stopped playing.

Can I imagine myself skulking around the one small hall and 6 rooms of my house with a plastic toy guy shooting not real people only visible on glasses/headset, no, because that sounds utterly awful. That sounds awful if it was in a park with 100 other people, we actually have a real way to do that, airsoft/paintball which is fun, fake firing at fake or real people out in the real world would be rubbish.

Same goes for managing an empire in AR on the tube, what game will overlay a real world perfectly to the environment you're in? Pokemon go, I've seen lots of adds and stupid gameplay vids but outside of fake throwing a ball at a pokemon I'm honestly not sure what you do afterwords. People are into Pokemon, but I think that gimmick will wear thin very quickly. Currently you have fans of Pokemon playing a real world game, a lot of buzz/hype in media as with the Wii and as such huge amounts of other people downloaded and went out to experience what was going on, but most of them are going to go... you walk miles to catch something, walk miles to catch it then... they'll get bored of it. The big Pokemon fans will play but the others just experiencing what is basically a global event will stop playing quickly.

Most games that have any kind of complexity which Pokenmon Go doesn't have, won't just fit into any real world scenario. There will be some maybe touristy based National treasure type hunts for AR... how good they'll be who knows. Most AR will be based around facts, hence a National treasure game, map on screen rather than constantly looking at your phone, names of buildings, directions to wherever you're going, tourist plug ins for a city so you can maybe activate a tourist audio guide for places you visit. But within that, you'll almost certainly find advertising cropping up.

Interestingly afaik Nintendo actually don't really own much of the Pokemon stuff and really just market it, meaning the stock surge on people playing what is a mobile game not on Nintendo hardware which is free in the first place is... odd.

PS, you can't have an empire in space surrounding yourself on the tube, that is entirely contrary to AR, the game has to match your surroundings effectively or well... you die when you fall off the platform onto the tracks or walk into a road. VR is something where you can put on a headset, block out the real world and can seem to be anywhere regardless of where you really are. It's not entirely practical anytime soon, you won't be playing AAA games with good battery life on a tube, plus you'd probably miss your stop.
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[GSV]Lemming;29773124 said:
With more AR techie advances perhaps we will one day see something like WOW being played out in the real world, where people can re-skin how they appear to anyone plugged into the game. A walk to the shops will become a fight for life against other players, a drive to work in a self driving car an opportunity to relive world of tanks in your turret.

This is current problem with all portable tech though, how do you power it?

Pokemon go is currently a great success because #1 it's pokemon and #2 it can be run through your mobile phone. I can't see it going farther than that in all honesty with mobile being the restriction. I've seen a lot of people now theorising about great AR will be now that Pokemon has been released, but it's probably the best and only great implementation we'll see in some time (I am happy to be proven wrong).

AR tech has been around for some time , I remember years back playing AR basketball on my desk, but as far as it goes since then and now, powering AR and VR is the limiting factor, and not many people will walk around the streets wearing VR headsets...
I didn't say it was possible now, or that I had the answers ;)

I just think allowing for advance that AR has more scope than VR. The only recent VR experience i have had is with Elite, I loved it and once a little more affordable I will buy it.

I would prefer AR once more developed. I am not saying I like Pokemon, I havent even seen it but for the first time someone has made the effort to overlay a game into the real world and I find that exciting.

Maybe by the time I retire there will be something I want to play, fingers crossed as that's only 15 years away..
Yet to try VR but can't flippin wait.

Pokemon Go is going a bit nuts around here. Last night coming home from work there were at least a dozen 20-somethings wandering around like zombies on my street.

It might be a passing fad, but also probably won't fully take off until you can horribly slaughter everything in sight in full blood splattering photo realism.
I finally watched a vid of actual gameplay of pokemon... wow. It looks genuinely terrible. Walking around looking at a stupid map, then watch something laggy while you throw a ball, walk around to pick things up. Capture 100 of the same type of pokemon to evolve it into something strong and then after all of this you can fight at gyms which looks not at all fun. Button mash, big attack, button mash, big attack.

I think that most people will get bored of the gimmick very quickly. Oh look I walked 30 miles to spawn some eggs, at some point people will work out it's a terribly boring grind with no reward.

LIke with Wii, we all kind of, I don't know how to explain it. We see futuristic ideas in games, tv and film, we see VR, holodecks, we see cool things and every new 'futuristic/techie' way of interacting we kind of subconsciously hope is something along these lines, it's why people were so hyped about motion controls. Then reality hits, it feels like it's a bit futuristic but in reality it's worse than current control methods.

A bad game with a bit of a AR overlay is still a bad game, the only actual AR bit is after getting to a designated zone your camera is a background to a pokemon hovering around whatever image your camera is capturing, but that is it. Imagine playing Candy Crush, but the background was just whatever your camera is pointing out. There is zero interaction between the pokemon and environment, it's just like a desktop background being used for the game. The whole having to travel to a specific spot to capture it is what gives it the real world feel, if you were sat at home and it randomly generated outside images it would be the same thing.

How long will it be till someone makes a companion app that sends a faked GPS signal so you can visit pokemon locations without actually having to move.

We're probably decades away from the mobile power able to make a game and have it interact with your environment, detecting a flat surface and showing a screen overlaid is one thing, having characters in a game detect a desk and hide behind it, anything on that level, is donkeys years away but even then there is almost no way to write/design a game that adapts well to any environment. VR is the future of gaming, AR is nice in theory but beyond being able to project basic information or take your desktop anywhere, video conference while feeling like everyone is in the room, it's just not actually practical to make games that will be fun that are superimposed on the real world.
You're ignoring the social aspect. The game gets random like minded people or groups together in a way different from all other internet interactions. No perfect angle max gamma pictures, no 50 yeardolds posing as lovelygurl15, no one-click 'friends', no 'lives' to earn. It gives them a (silly) goal and something to discuss and share with others. It does this with very simple tech which has lots of room to expand in the future.

VR does it opposite, it cuts people away from the world. The average gamer is 30+ yearold nowadays, they have responsabilities, children, pets. Only a minority seek full immersion which isn't even close to being achieved. Furthermore, despite the billions which have been invested in VR in the past years, we've seen no massive hits. VR isn't quite there yet, if it will ever be.
Oh and VR, with its special equipment requirement, high cost and room limitation, is more similar to motion control gaming than AR.
They aren't really competing.

They key mechanic in AR is the use of GPS data. Changing your gameplay experience based on your physical location is the key selling point.

They could also be combined. Theres no reason why you couldn't have a VR game running on a Samsung VR that has different levels or mechanics in it based on your GPS position or time of day.
AR and VR aren't going anywhere. AR will be far more useful in everyday life - tasks etc than gaming. Some gaming will be really nice like a mindcraft/lego game......

as for me working in IT being able to us AR for real time updates on networks and servers would be amazing.....same thing for my engineers designing new items...being able to see the parts and working in 3d in front of them again they are drooling for.......that's where AR will shine.

VR once we can do full dive VR will be utterly amazing......
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