Virtue Signalling in Movie Reviews

13 May 2003
This seems to be quite a new thing and it is reasonably a response to a widening of demographic in movie watching and production but it seems a bit silly at times and frankly is encouraging me to dismiss reviewers opinions.

Look at the MCU for instance, in rotten tomato order.
97% Black Panther
94% Iron Man
92% Thor Ragnorok
92% Spider Man
92% Avengers Assemble
91% Captain America Civil War
91% Guardians of the Galaxy
90% Doctor Stranger
83% Captain America The Winter Soldier
83% Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
etc etc

Now Black Panther is a good movie but better than Civil War, Iron Man, GotG or Winter Soldier, you are extracting the urine surely.

92% Wonder Woman
55% Man of Steel
40% Justice League
27% Batman vs Superman
26% Suicide Squad

Now Wonder Woman may be the best of these films but really it wasn't that good or that much better (although I haven't seen Justice League which I'm told is a dogs dinner).

Do people think this is a blip and it will calm down once female or ethnic led movies become less unusual or can we expect reviewers to move on to the next thing to fawn over.

Has this happened in the past? I can't immediately think of it being the case. Philadelphia or the The Color Purple maybe?? (deliberate yank spelling).
@DrToffnar my apologies if I'm re-treading old ground.

I watched both of these movies this week and at least in Black Panther's case had seen reference to the glowing reviews subsequently and had looked up the Wonder Woman score whilst watching it because of the glowing comments about it being the best of the DC EU. Neither of these are the first breakthrough films except maybe in the super hero genre and couldn't remember an earlier example of this. Maybe it was because some of the earlier breakthrough movies had genuinely earned there praise?
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