Visibly upset child made to run daily.

10 Jun 2003
Morning all,

This is one of those 'to the internet' moments. I'm not normally one to interfere in others affairs, parenting etc, just wondering what others thoughts are on this.

Since I have been working from home I have noticed a child running past our window almost daily, sometimes he is alone, sometimes he is with what I can only assume is his Dad. His Dad doesn't run with him, he is beside him on one of those small electric scooters. He runs around the estate so passes our window several times. I'd say he's 5 or 6 years old.

It was only when I had my window open I hear he is more often than not crying as he is running. He is visibly upset and clearly not enjoying what he is doing. Sometimes he is upset and talking to himself, I can't make out what he is saying but he seems upset, stressed.

On one of the occasions his Dad was with him, he was telling him off for not breathing correctly, he then lost his temp with him and accelerated off into the distance leaving his son upset and still running.

I'm all up for giving kids the exercise they need but this seems a little cruel.

What's OcUKs thoughts on this?
Forcing a kid into something good for them is not child abuse. Otherwise child services would be getting a phone call every 2 minutes about broccoli and carrots.

If my son was getting that upset from me making him do something daily I would stop or switch it up. There are many forms of exercise and it has to be enjoyable for them, football, bike ride, a long walk.

Not quite the same as "eat your veg mate and then you can have some pudding"
Is the kid particularly overweight?

It seems a bit of a barbaric thing to do on the face of it. If you're trying to encourage your kid to be active or lose weight, then go for a run or do other exercises with him so that he at least feels engaged and may enjoy it more. Seeing his dad whiz along on an electric scooter whilst he's having run, it's no wonder he's a bit upset.

No he's not overweight, nor underweight. The kid looks healthy. I think the point I became concerned is when I witnessed the Dad losing his temper and scooting off. Scooter aside, if the Dad was with him encouraging him then it would come across differently.

It just painted a picture, Dads a bit of an arse, kid clearly doesn't want to be doing it, I wonder how he's treated at home.

I did a similar thing with my kids. Forced them out on family bike rides and one of them in particular was very upset every time we went out. However, kids don't know what is best for them and many, given free choice, will stay at home all day, eat rubbish food, get very fat and go on to have an unhealthy life and suffer health problems like most people in the UK/US. I see it as part of my job as a parent to try to prevent that. People often mistake parenting with being best friends with your kids. They are not mutually exclusive, but parenting >> friend.

I'm with you on that one, absolutely. Kids these days don't need to go out to play with their friends, they can sit on their games consoles and socialise. Exercise needs to be somewhat forced and it is our jobs as parents to make sure they have the healthiest of starts.

This kid is running most days if not every day. 8 of the 10 times I see him, he's upset and the Dad is nowhere to be seen. Occasionally his Dad will be with him on the scooter.

seems more like it's a punishment though and the kid could legit have done something worthy of being forced to do a lap or two.

maybe you could have a friendly word with the dad act like your on his side, "nice to see someone encouraging their child to exercise" as he goes past next time.

see what the father says, judge his mood, maybe even shout something to the kid after saying that to his father "like go on lad you can do it"

you don't need to be confrontational

I see him most days so unless he's particularly naughty I'm not sure it's punishment.

That's not a bad idea, rather than all guns blazing which will likely end in the Dad telling me to do one.
I'd like to clarify it's not a disabled electric scooter that my nan would use, it's the 2 wheeled kids version (probably belongs to the kid that's doing the running).
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So is the adult breaking the law using a powered bicycle on a public footpath, (which I assume IS still illegal?) or is he riding it on the road? Not that I think you should interfere, but if you feel like making a citizen's arrest...?

Yes, he's on the foot path and it's not a slow thing either. I won't be making a citizens arrest though.
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