Visit the NZXT and the BitFenix range NOW!!

Could I suggest you try and filter down the Bitfenix cables in some way? There's tons of them and when I was looking I found it a wee bit difficult to manage. Perhaps if you could have a category for each colour then it might be easier to shop? I did try a search, but it didn't turn out the right result.

Search "Alchemy" followed by the colour you want.


Alchemy red

The first results are Alchemy products that are red, followed by all alchemy products, followed by products with the work red.

No need to filter really, it would add too many sections to the website unfortunately. :(
Any idea if and when you'll have any NZXT PSU's Andrew?

This is something that is being discussed at the moment and will eventually happen, there is no set time on this at the moment though but Ace Modder or one of the team will provide information to the forums when it does happen :)
The same as it would if I typed alchemy red black.

It assumes an or between search queries and ranks them in order of hits. So if there was a black and red alchemy item it'd be top.

It does do what's needed I guess, but it's not ideal, and I'd like an AND function on it, just because it's tidier and plays to my slight OCD.

Ill see what i can do :)
Theres no issue with a little bit extra on show with the purchase, makes the purchase a little more personal as itll hold fond memories! :D
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