Vista 64 vs xfi cards.

mines perfect, console, drivers, digital, everything works fine :)

Hi, what drivers are you using to get Digital Out?

I have Vista 64U, and X-Fi XtremeMusic and never managed to get digital output working.

Has been a few months since I've booted into the Vista partition though, can't remember what drivers are installed at the mo.
Psypher5 yeh I can't actually get the skinned version of the console working. It says "The console for your audio device cannot be launched. The console may not be installed, or may not be installed properly in your system. You may need to re-install the console."
How did you get it working?

Btw... why do you have Pokemon on? :P
everything just, worked.

driver version
date 25/10/2007

digital defo works, was watching a dvd in dolby digital other day.
the console just, worked.

pokemon? Me? err, yes. did you know there are 11 series -.-? (oh, and its ******* awesome thats why.)
dude I'm a uni student. It's therefore cool. And lost is only on once a week :( (plus ive watched a hell of a lot of everything else.)
Psypher5 I got the console to work. I've set the Bass Redirection to 60Hz like you did. But was wondering what this actually does?
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