Vista Check List??

yes sorry about the wrong subforum... and I know 15Gb HDD space, AND only a 1 Ghz chip... he has to be joking!

Six6siX said:
Well, XP comes on one CD which is what, 650MB max? And the install size is 3-4GB. Thats 5x as much as the single CD. I'd guess one DVD will be more than enough.

I guess that most things are going to come on DVD now... I wonder if Microsoft will use BluRay or HD DVD for Vista, if at all...
gord said:
I seriously doubt they could do that as it would surely be a breach of monopoly competition law, but its a thought...

Thanks... just wondering how it would breach monopoly law?
lee87 said:
Ocuk have a Blu Ray writer for pre order, it's £680 :eek:

I'll be sticking with XP, don't see any need to upgrade.

Yes I have seen them, its like every new technology, VERY expensive :)

NathanE said:
The "15GB" hard drive space is just a recommendation. The actual operating system (on a typical install) will only take up about 3-4GB... its also already been confirmed that it will ship on a single-layer 4.5GB DVD.

Ah thats cool then :) going to get a raptor to use Vista ;)

Beansprout said:
Oh come off it. The "fancy interface" is just taking advantage of the power of modern PCs and if you don't want it you can turn it off.

I agree with that... its just taking advantage of what you have now... the reason that apple has gotten there first is that they make the computers to cope with the software (OS) requirements

DaveyD said:
I agree with that, as I'd have thought the majority of people buying PCs are not going to be using them as hardcore gaming machines, more for general use and perhaps media capabilities. People are buying new PCs for these tasks which probably can be done on systems half with half the power fine, so why not use that power which is being wasted most of the time. Plus, just turn the prettiness off, you have good old Windows classic style again, hurrah.

From the E3 show the other week, it looks like MS are concentrating a lot more on gaming for Vista, apparently anway, so it will link a lot more closely with their Xbox Live gaming servicies and apparently allow it to be a lot more simple to install and run games on the system. I'll have to see it to believe it, but I'm interested in how it's going to interact etc.

concentrating on gaming hey..... cant wait to see what DX10 will be able to do ;)

Lagz said:
That was probably made from some linux nerd. Vista is probably going to turn out much more secure than XP.

I agree, I think that they have lived and learned with Xp about security

PikeyPriest said:
2.2 ghz p4 (no HT), 512 rdram (get in), geforce ti4600 (beast of a card :D )

geforce ti4600... I have one of them in the attic somewhere.... I'm writing this using a Voodoo card ;) thing about it is that Windows 2000 had the drivers for it, go figure :)

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