vista on Laptop

16 Apr 2006
When Vista eventually comes out i'm thinking of putting it onto my laptop which has a Turion ML32 processor, the only problem that I can see it the ammount of RAM, i currently have 768MB, but 64meg is being used by the graphics which are on the ATi xpress200 M chipset. I think the max RAM i can have is 1GIG, would it be ok as it is or will i need to up the graphics and RAM?
I was running Vista on an ASUS A2D laptop which I had upgraded to 1gb of ram with an UNSHARED ATi Mobilty 128mb Radeon Graphics chip.

I also had a 60Gb 7200 rpm HDD and I only got a system rating (according to Vista) of 1 (the lowest)

Remember though that this was the BETA 2, and the final product may vary, but it is still likely to be a CHUNK when it comes out.

It ran on my laptop, but only just, having said that, all the eye candy was on, and applications like Office BETA 2007 still loaded real quick.
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