Vista sound card drivers 32 bit RTM

6 Mar 2006
Northwich Cheshire
Hi to everyone, hope you can help. I am struggling to find suitable drivers for my Lanparty nf3 ut 250gb MB. i am using an nVidia GeForce 5600series GPU Which i know i have to upgrade, some advice would be appreciated, Back to driver issue i am stuck with two channel stereo and would like any info that could help me resolve this issue. I'm using a Logitech 5:1 system using nVidia
Drivers (i think) I have tried various updates from related sites. Is there a saviour out there. Incedently i am using AMD Athlon socket 754 with AGP.
Re:Vista sound card drivers

HI cokecan72 Thanks for reply.
The original DFI drivers i used with xp would not load on board using vista and i can only find 2 channel stereo option within vista settings, The reason for using 32 bit is that i have a clean desktop ie: no evaluation watermark present) I could'nt find a patch for 64bit at the time i haven't checked to see if one exists. Also build 5744 X-64bit didn't seem stable. :confused:
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