Vista/Stalker save game crashes [FIXED]

28 Oct 2002
Reading, UK
Right-o, like a lot of people I've been pretty "annoyed" at not being able to play stalker without crashing to desktop in Vista every time I save, hit escape, etc. etc. when running in DX9 mode....

Finally this afternoon a working solution! I've been playing for the last 2-3 hours without a single crash, I can save, running at 1920x1200 res with everything maxed....

You need to manually patch the binary using the Microsoft Binary File editor to large memory addressing and also adjust the boot parameters of Vista. I believe it's slightly different in 64bit Vista (which I'm not running) but I'm sure someone can add to this post once that's been worked out.

Copy the XR_3DA.exe to a safe location (In case it all goes wrong)
For a command prompt (run with admin rights)
BCDEDIT /set increaseuserva 2900

Now the only problem with this solution is sourcing the EDITBIN utility that comes with Visual Studio (For those with VS, Find it in the VC98\BIN directory under the main Visual Studio directory).

BCDEDIT is part of Vista so that's not a problem....
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On my 2GB Vista32bit installation I've played all weekend without a single crash on the 1.00 binary after using editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE XR_3DA.exe

I've just installed the new patch and every time I try to save, crash to desktop again, so I've implimented editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE XR_3DA.exe on the new patched 1.00.1 binary as well, problem solved
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