Vista Ultimate Ed.

19 Nov 2004
Hello all

Anyone hazard a guess at the price of Windows Vista Ultimate Edition? Is it true you'll be only able to upgrade to it from xp pro x64 because it's 64 bit?

Simultaneously? I heard that there are going to be seven different "flavours" and that Windows Vista Ultimate Edition with be 64 bit and, quite obviously, the best version but I could be wrong.
The consumer versions of Vista will effectively be slapped on a giant DVD.

This will include both 32bit and 64bit variations of all the consumer versions of Vista including the Ultimate edition.

You will be able to purchase the Home version for example, and then upgrade to Ultimate with the same CD once you have an activation code from Microsoft (obviously paying extra to do so).
"Ultimate Edition" is unlikely to appear in OEM form.
If it does it will be very much "Recovery CD" version - shipped with machines and no use if sold seperately.
garyh said:
You will be able to purchase the Home version for example, and then upgrade to Ultimate with the same CD once you have an activation code from Microsoft (obviously paying extra to do so).

I sense a flaw in microsoft's ways.
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