Visual Voicemail on non-iPhone O2 contract

10 Oct 2003
I've got a 2G iPhone previously unlocked & jailbroken with my Vodafone contract SIM in. This has all worked perfectly as expected.

I recently bought an O2 Simplicity SIM as my Voda contract is coming to an end, put it in iPhone. It picked it up as O2 with no problems (not surprising as its unlocked anyway). Unfortunately Visual Voicemail doesn't work for me at all.

I figured that VVM doesn't work because I'm on a non-iPhone contract, but as I've tinkered with the phone I want to be 100% sure that the reason it's not working for me is because of it not being available to it, not because of some setting that jailbreaking/unlocking it has changed (which I can now change back).

As an added confusion when I originally bought the phone I don't think normal voicemail with Vodafone worked (i.e. I would press the Voicemail button on the phone but nothing would happen), and I vaguely recall having to enter some sort of code to enable it for non-O2 networks.

I did debate completely restoring the phone as I don't need it to be unlocked anymore but just wanted to see if anyone had an iPhone with working VVM on a non-iPhone O2 contract?
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