Visual Web Developer data elements.

8 Mar 2005
London, UK
I've been fiddling with Visual Web Developer 2010 for some time and managed to coerce into presenting various simple charts and views populated from data pulled from SQL.

I’m now trying to use a particular element to display in effect a simple table/gridview with allows for data sorting on both columns and rows; as an example:
---- Date1 Date2 Date3 …
PC1 Name1 Name1 Name3 …
PC2 Name2 Name1 Name3 …
PC3 Name4 Name1 Name2 …
… … … … …
Using just the GUI, as I struggle with ASP.NET code I was rather hoping there was an toolbox element which could conjure the above, but I’ve yet to find it (assuming it exists).

Would appreciate any pointers.

Cheers Paul.
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