Hi all,
I wasn't really sure where to best post this. I have made a post over at the Vivaldi forums but it's a graveyard there, figured somebody here may be able to help with what I want to do, if they use vivaldi and a custom.css themselves.
This is the current custom.css I call in to modify the browser:
Couple of screens, I'm using auto hide address bar at the moment while it's ok it annoys me having to hover and is very occasionally not instantly reactive:
On hover
What I'm trying to do is take it one step further and have everything in one bar, in a specific order from left:
Nav buttons
Address bar,
Extensions (I'm only using 1 visible - popup bookmarks),
New tab button,
Min/max/close buttons.
The address bar doesn't need to be huge and I never have more than 3 tabs open so fit wise it wont be a prob.
I know it's possible as there are similar on the Vivaldi forum but I've been inspecting, pulling relevant parts out and trying to shift bits about but I can't seem to get it right, I break everything! If anybody uses a custom.css in Vivaldi themselves could you provide any help? it would be greatly appreciated.
I wasn't really sure where to best post this. I have made a post over at the Vivaldi forums but it's a graveyard there, figured somebody here may be able to help with what I want to do, if they use vivaldi and a custom.css themselves.
This is the current custom.css I call in to modify the browser:
/**[Remove V button from top left]**/
.vivaldi {
display:none !important;
/**[Tabs to left side]**/
.win #tabs-container.top, .linux #tabs-container.top {
padding-left: 0px !important;
/**[Inactive tab text opacity]**/
.isblurred .tab-position .tab .title {
opacity: .8;
/**[Loading colour in address bar]**/
.addressfield .pageload-indicator {
background-color: #607d8b !important;
/**[Remove favicons from tabs]**/
.tab-strip .favicon {
display: none;
/**[Hide audio icon in tab]**/
#tabs-container .tab .tab-audio {
opacity: 0;
/**[Remove trash icon]**/
.trash {
display: none !important;
/**[Hide home button]**/
.home {
display: none !important;
/**[Auto hide address bar]**/
.toolbar-addressbar {
visibility: hidden;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
opacity: 0;
z-index: 2;
transition: opacity .2s linear .1s, visibility 0s linear 1s;
/**[Reveal on hover]**/
#header:hover ~ #main .toolbar-addressbar, .toolbar-addressbar:hover {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
transition-delay: 0s;
/**[Toolbar button hover colour]**/
.button-toolbar.back:hover, .button-toolbar.forward:hover, .button-toolbar.next:hover, .button-toolbar.rewind:hover, .button-toolbar.reload:hover, .button-toolbar.home:hover, #tabs-container .trash {
-webkit-filter: sepia(0%) hue-rotate(0deg) saturate(0) brightness(70%) opacity(10%) !important;
/**[Toolbar button colour]**/
.button-toolbar.back, .button-toolbar.forward, .button-toolbar.next, .button-toolbar.rewind, .button-toolbar.reload, .button-toolbar.home, #tabs-container .trash {
-webkit-filter: sepia(0%) hue-rotate(0deg) saturate(0) brightness(70%) opacity(60%) !important;
/**[Active tab invisible text]**/
.tab-position .tab.active .tab-header .title {
opacity: 0;
/**[Completely remove siteinfo icon]**/
.addressfield .addressfield-siteinfo.certified, .addressfield .addressfield-siteinfo.secure, .addressfield .addressfield-siteinfo {
display: none !important;
/**[Completely remove address bar drop-down]**/
.addressfield .input-dropdown {
display: none !important;
/**[Hide add bookmark icon, still functions just invis]**/
.add-bookmark-container>button.button-addressfield {
opacity: 0;
/**[Remove progress ticker]**/
.addressfield .pageload .pageload-ticker {
display: none !important;
.vivaldi {
display:none !important;
/**[Tabs to left side]**/
.win #tabs-container.top, .linux #tabs-container.top {
padding-left: 0px !important;
/**[Inactive tab text opacity]**/
.isblurred .tab-position .tab .title {
opacity: .8;
/**[Loading colour in address bar]**/
.addressfield .pageload-indicator {
background-color: #607d8b !important;
/**[Remove favicons from tabs]**/
.tab-strip .favicon {
display: none;
/**[Hide audio icon in tab]**/
#tabs-container .tab .tab-audio {
opacity: 0;
/**[Remove trash icon]**/
.trash {
display: none !important;
/**[Hide home button]**/
.home {
display: none !important;
/**[Auto hide address bar]**/
.toolbar-addressbar {
visibility: hidden;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
opacity: 0;
z-index: 2;
transition: opacity .2s linear .1s, visibility 0s linear 1s;
/**[Reveal on hover]**/
#header:hover ~ #main .toolbar-addressbar, .toolbar-addressbar:hover {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
transition-delay: 0s;
/**[Toolbar button hover colour]**/
.button-toolbar.back:hover, .button-toolbar.forward:hover, .button-toolbar.next:hover, .button-toolbar.rewind:hover, .button-toolbar.reload:hover, .button-toolbar.home:hover, #tabs-container .trash {
-webkit-filter: sepia(0%) hue-rotate(0deg) saturate(0) brightness(70%) opacity(10%) !important;
/**[Toolbar button colour]**/
.button-toolbar.back, .button-toolbar.forward, .button-toolbar.next, .button-toolbar.rewind, .button-toolbar.reload, .button-toolbar.home, #tabs-container .trash {
-webkit-filter: sepia(0%) hue-rotate(0deg) saturate(0) brightness(70%) opacity(60%) !important;
/**[Active tab invisible text]**/
.tab-position .tab.active .tab-header .title {
opacity: 0;
/**[Completely remove siteinfo icon]**/
.addressfield .addressfield-siteinfo.certified, .addressfield .addressfield-siteinfo.secure, .addressfield .addressfield-siteinfo {
display: none !important;
/**[Completely remove address bar drop-down]**/
.addressfield .input-dropdown {
display: none !important;
/**[Hide add bookmark icon, still functions just invis]**/
.add-bookmark-container>button.button-addressfield {
opacity: 0;
/**[Remove progress ticker]**/
.addressfield .pageload .pageload-ticker {
display: none !important;
Couple of screens, I'm using auto hide address bar at the moment while it's ok it annoys me having to hover and is very occasionally not instantly reactive:
On hover
What I'm trying to do is take it one step further and have everything in one bar, in a specific order from left:
Nav buttons
Address bar,
Extensions (I'm only using 1 visible - popup bookmarks),
New tab button,
Min/max/close buttons.
The address bar doesn't need to be huge and I never have more than 3 tabs open so fit wise it wont be a prob.
I know it's possible as there are similar on the Vivaldi forum but I've been inspecting, pulling relevant parts out and trying to shift bits about but I can't seem to get it right, I break everything! If anybody uses a custom.css in Vivaldi themselves could you provide any help? it would be greatly appreciated.