VMware Certified Associate

I'm assuming that nothing much has changed since the VCA5 (except updated).

I have 3 x VCA's and that is because I could either do them for free or an a negligable cost (due to an introductory offer by VMWare).

My opinion is that they are entry level, and not really true certs if i'm honest. I, like others, feel they are really aimed at those in sales roles who need to grasp the concepts (and not intricacies) of the VMWare suite.

I subsequently got my VCP which is much more relevant (and comprehensive).

Perhaps if you could clarify your background and what you hope to achieve with the cert, and I can advise further?
If you know what vMotion/HA/FT/DRS/SDRS do you'll probably pass the exam with no study. I did the exam lying in bed in about 15 minutes.

There's no technical knowledge required - it's about what the features can do rather than how to configure it. It's more of a sales based qualification and it holds no real value.

Start working towards your VCP if you want to do a VMWare cert, but VCP-6 DCV is a lot to learn/know and I work with it every day.
i wanted the VCA to put on my CV as a starting point. i've never used vmware so i'm starting from scratch. i am in IT so i'm quick to pick most things up
i'll probably find to pretty hard to get the VCP if i'm not working with vmware, i guess you will need the software to practice etc. it's not the sort of thing you can just pick up and install i'm sure

did see this on ebay - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/322437737289?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
Ok, so you can get vSphere ESXi for free (trial/evaluation) from here:

So assuming you have a spare machine that conforms to the HCL you can get it installed to play around with.

The VCP is perfectly achievable without working with an environment but it certainly helps.

I honestly don't think the VCA is worth the exam fee but its up to you.

EDIT: Email me (in trust) if you want - I can offer you a lot of help in this area.
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Do they still make you do the VMWare Course to pass the VCP? I haven't checked in a while. It's one qualification I have fancied getting an actual cert in, but at the cost of the course it was prohibitive.
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