VMWare ESXi P2V (Physical to Virtual Conversion Failure)

1 Dec 2004
Hi all,

Never had a problem with this in the past, however, it seems that the Windows Server 2003 R2 (SP2) server I am trying to P2V at the moment using

VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Client V5

Doesnt seem to want to convert fully, it keeps failing at 98% right at the end, basically where its done the clone, and its preparing the for the destination datastore.

We have tried several ways to try and convert this, obviously the conversion tool at this stage is installed on the machine I am converting locally (done this before with no issues).

I have tried to convert it and store it on a network drive, but again fails at the end with the above error, I have tried to convert it straight on to one of our hosts rather than storing it as some files on a network, this looked like it was going to work (takes a lot longer) but it still failed at 98%

Tonight I am going to try and use what is called "Server5" to remotely convert "Server6" in to a VM straight on to our host.

I have trawled through google some people suggesting to remove things out MBR :\ others saying a simple reboot, I am going to try the reboot this evening, however I dont want to play around with the MBR as this is a production server.

Here is an image, and a little snapshot of the log output where it fails.


   userName = "MPDB_SERVER5", 
-->                         fullMessage = "Processing the reconfiguration datastore.", 
-->                         job = <unset>, 
-->                      }, 
-->                   }
-->                ], 
-->             }
-->          ], 
-->       }
-->    ], 
-->    truncated = <unset>, 
--> }
2013-03-04T19:43:12.039Z [04324 verbose 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::PropertyCollectorThread[296] - (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.UpdateSet) {
-->    dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->    version = "296", 
-->    filterSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) [
-->       (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) {
-->          dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->          filter = 'vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Filter:session[525e25da-405c-cffe-78c9-1085d6610b41]52c78e9d-10c8-fe88-3bb2-492ae10e2716', 
-->          objectSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) [
-->             (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) {
-->                dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                kind = "modify", 
-->                obj = 'converter.task.Task:task-1', 
-->                changeSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [
-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {
-->                      dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                      name = "event[19]", 
-->                      op = "add", 
-->                      val = (converter.event.ReconfigurationFailedEvent) {
-->                         dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                         key = 19, 
-->                         chainId = 9, 
-->                         type = "error", 
-->                         createdTime = "2013-03-04T19:43:11.976625Z", 
-->                         userName = "MPDB_SERVER5", 
-->                         fullMessage = "An error occurred during reconfiguration.", 
-->                         job = <unset>, 
-->                      }, 
-->                   }
-->                ], 
-->             }
-->          ], 
-->       }
-->    ], 
-->    truncated = <unset>, 
--> }
2013-03-04T19:43:19.398Z [04324 verbose 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::PropertyCollectorThread[297] - (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.UpdateSet) {
-->    dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->    version = "297", 
-->    filterSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) [
-->       (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) {
-->          dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->          filter = 'vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Filter:session[525e25da-405c-cffe-78c9-1085d6610b41]52c78e9d-10c8-fe88-3bb2-492ae10e2716', 
-->          objectSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) [
-->             (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) {
-->                dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                kind = "modify", 
-->                obj = 'converter.task.Task:task-1', 
-->                changeSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [
-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {
-->                      dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                      name = "info.estimatedTimeRemaining", 
-->                      op = "assign", 
-->                      val = 0, 
-->                   }
-->                ], 
-->             }
-->          ], 
-->       }
-->    ], 
-->    truncated = <unset>, 
--> }
2013-03-04T19:43:19.601Z [04324 verbose 'ConverterDataProviderImpl'] Converter::Client::Gui::Wizard::ConverterDataProviderImpl::PropertyCollectorThread[298] - (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.UpdateSet) {
-->    dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->    version = "298", 
-->    filterSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) [
-->       (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.FilterUpdate) {
-->          dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->          filter = 'vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Filter:session[525e25da-405c-cffe-78c9-1085d6610b41]52c78e9d-10c8-fe88-3bb2-492ae10e2716', 
-->          objectSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) [
-->             (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.ObjectUpdate) {
-->                dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                kind = "modify", 
-->                obj = 'converter.task.Task:task-1', 
-->                changeSet = (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) [
-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {
-->                      dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                      name = "info.completeTime", 
-->                      op = "assign", 
-->                      val = "2013-03-04T19:43:19.601625Z", 
-->                   }, 
-->                   (vmodl.query.PropertyCollector.Change) {
-->                      dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                      name = "info.error", 
-->                      op = "assign", 
-->                      val = (converter.fault.FileCreationFault) {
-->                         dynamicType = <unset>, 
-->                         faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null, 
-->                         file = "\\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-82A10C42000010000000000005000000\$Reconfig$", 
-->                         msg = "Unable to create '\\.\vstor2-mntapi10-shared-82A10C42000010000000000005000000\
Last edited:
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I continue my efforts this evening with a few tests. :)
See this article. I know it's not always possible, but we find the best way to P2V is to stop every process that isn't needed (ie arrange some service interruption and stop SQL / Exchange etc... whatever isn't critical to the function of the server). Check the VSS writers don't have any errors, fragmented filesystems can prevent VSS working correctly.

vssadmin list writers
Cheers for this :) I actually used this before to check as I was in a similar situation with running backup exec and some backups failing.

However I have rebooted one of the live servers this evening, and done a quick P2V test to a network location and it got past 98% and completed :)

I am just doing the P2V directly to our host now, take a while longer but hopefully it wont give me any lip, wanted to try the reboot last night but couldn't get the all clear to power down the server until this evening.
Ha! Sorry ecksmen, I hadn't seen your post when I put mine up. So no, there was no copy and paste :)

Great minds think alike tho!

Glad the P2V is working anyway.
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