VMWare + Linux.

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hey guys,

I'm just trying out Suse 10.1 on VMWare atm, and I can't seem to be able to install the VMTools package?

Installing them on guest Windows OS's is fine?

Seeing as though I'm relatively new to VMWare and Linux, I thought I might be doing something wrong :D

I can mount the tools in the CD drive from VMWare, but neither file will install in Linux...

Help :(

I dont think the RPM will work on Suse, you'll need to untar the source from the mounted CD and compile it yourself.
i did this the other day with a Suse 10.1 64 bit guest. The RPM install appeared to go fine, well at least there was no visible sign of error, but I can't say i'm noticing much of a difference.
I just like the transparant mouse share between host and guest... the rest doesnt really bother me (though I've been know to use the shared files feature from time to time).
I use it on RedHat WS fine... but I do have problems with the guest when using Active Directory, really slows down the guest OS

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