VMWare NIC load balancing

2 Jan 2007
I’ve have two NIC’s that I have configured on one virtual switch. This virtual switch is then routed via port group to a VM running NAS4FREE. NAS4FREE is then configured to provide a NFS share via this switch Port group. No matter how I configure load balancing on this virtual switch I can’t get it to balance the load across the two NIC’s (according the network performance counters). Appearing to utilize only one NIC. Is it that the VMWARE only load balances multiple port groups across the two NIC’s, but not traffic from one port group?
If this is the case would it be better to provide two port groups from the same virtual switch to the VM and let NAS4FREE do the load balancing?
I have tried configuring my switch ports with and without load balancing (paired), but both configurations make no difference to the results?

The NAS4FREE VM provides NFS storage to two other ESX servers.
Thanks Little_Crow, that makes sense and seems to confirm what I am seeing. What I'm after is each of my ESX servers load balancing across both NIC's to the NAS4FREE server along with other traffic. Maximizing the bandwidth to NAS.

................................/-----> ESX2
ESX1 (NAS4FREE) <---|------> Archive Server
................................\-----> ESX3

Sorry for the dots, seems to remove spaces!
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