Vodafone 2020i


Do vodafone also have their own version of the XIIs, with the slide out keypad?

Also, how come Vodafone don't do their own version of the Xda Mini S/i-mate K-JAM/HTC Wizard (they are all the same phone aren't they?), and are they likely to in the future? They seem really behind with the PDA side of the market.

Also, out of all of these what doesn everyone recommend as being the best?
XDA Mini S, i-Mate K-Jam, Qtek 9100 and HTC Wizard are the same thing, just with different firmware on them. They're actually made by HTC.

The only one I've used is an i-Mate K-Jam which I've had for about a month. I'm really pleased with it even if it does run a bit slower than the Dell Axim it replaced. I was surprised that the keyboard was as usable as it is.
Yeah, it'll take any SIM card (apart from 3 maybe, I'm not sure about that). I'm using it with my Vodafone SIM. I can't say where I bought it from, but head over to http://froogle.google.co.uk and search for it there. Mine was about £420 but the place I got it from have recently put the prices up.

Head over to www.howardforums.com if you want to pick up hints and tips on using the K-Jam, especially how to remove the unwanted crap from the extended rom (Anti Virus and Clearvue PDF reader spring to mind) so that they'll never be installed.
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