Vodafone are letting me go!

26 Mar 2005
I told them I want to leave, I had two phone calls asking them why: I explained that I wanted the SPV M600 and they didn't have anything similar, plus the upgrade I was offered was pants. They both spent about ten minutes searching for phones and couldn't offer me anything! Do vodafone not focus much on this end of the market? Both salesmen admitted there was nothing they couuld do for me!
Xpander said:
How much were you paying a month? They bent over backwards for me a few months ago and beat the equivilent deal I could have had on T-Mobile with FlexT. Difference being I'm on a 12 months contract as opposed to 18 months, 200 mins and 500 texts per month for £20 with free W900i as well.

W900i != M600
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