Vodafone - Network Outage?

4 Oct 2003
Sheffield, S.Yorks
Anyone in Sheffield on Vodafone and not able to connect to the network this morning? Phone's been on all night, gone to send a message and there's no network there. Tried turning it off and back on and no better.

Wondered if anyone else has a problem or if I should start looking for a new mobile :)


Couldnt make this stuff up, wasn't working for a couple of hours, pressed submit and looked at the phone. Bleeder is working now ! :mad:

Ignore me :D


Gone again.......
Bramsafc said:
ive been having the same trouble since about 1 am last night i live in Sunderland....its still acting up now coverage drops and i cant ring out or send texts even with full coverage showing on my phone

Yeah, it's eaten through a fully charged battery today cos it's been searching for a network. Glad it's not just me. Weird you're so far away though.
Dad's come home, and he's on Voda too. He's not having any problems. Phones are next to each other, I've no network and he's fine. If it's the same tomorrow I'll try a different phone.
djcj said:
Do you have a 3g handset? There have been a few issues with the 3g network recently. If so, just go into your phones settings and change the network mode from 3g to GSM

Yeahm seens fine now. What it was acting up I put the sim in a 6100 (obviously none 3G) and it worked fine, so assumed it was the 3g network playing silly buggers.

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