I'm having random problems with call quality on a voip service, mainly with USB phones. Is there a product out there can monitor the performance or highlight where the bottleneck is happening.
The phones are USB but ru n on a sip protocol. Tv provide is voispeed and there are no large downloads in progress during during calls. We has a server in the I'm which connects to our isdn lines and the USB phones connect to pcs on tvlhe same network or over the Internet Ina different country, and these are the ones that are suffering from a drop in quality. We have 2mb adsl connection at the I'm end and a 4mb conn At the other. Pcs are connected to a wireles router.
a 2mb ADSL connection with 256k upload? That could well be your problem. Depends on the codecs your using though...
Codec BR NEB
G.711 64 Kbps 87.2 Kbps
G.729 8 Kbps 31.2 Kbps
G.723.1 6.4 Kbps 21.9 Kbps
G.723.1 5.3 Kbps 20.8 Kbps
G.726 32 Kbps 55.2 Kbps
G.726 24 Kbps 47.2 Kbps
G.728 16 Kbps 31.5 Kbps
iLBC 15 Kbps 27.7 Kbps