Volume Auto' Changing Itself?

5 Aug 2004
North East England
Well here I am, happily listening to music and then down my volume goes. After a bit it may go up again and maybe down if it feels like it!

I'm currently using Creative 5.1 speakers with a Creative Soundblaster 5.1 Digital soundcard, latest drivers ofcourse.

It's starting to get really annoying as when the volume goes down I turn it up and then the volume goes back up to normal and it blasts the house down :rolleyes:

So... Any ideas?

Bringing this post back to life, I have exactly the same problem! would be interesting if you fixed the fault and if any one can help or has any ideas on what it could be..

Ive heard from the grape vine that it might be because the sound card isnt connected correctly or might be slightly loose. Its only been doing this for the last couple of days..
I have experienced similar issues with my Creative Inspire 5.1 speakers, I suspect it has something to do with either the amp in the sub or the remote volume control lead.

TBH it's not happened in the last few weeks but the symptoms were as described above, very low volume one min and then when you least expect it BOOM! it goes loud!
Dappy said:
I have experienced similar issues with my Creative Inspire 5.1 speakers, I suspect it has something to do with either the amp in the sub or the remote volume control lead.

TBH it's not happened in the last few weeks but the symptoms were as described above, very low volume one min and then when you least expect it BOOM! it goes loud!
This happens with my Creative Inspire speakers, too; it's so annoying, i think it's probably related to my speakers.
Easy fix, the volume knob on wired remote gets gunked up through time, totally strip it and blow out and ideally clean with electical cleaner, let it 100% dry and put back together, wont happen again for a long long time. :)
helmutcheese said:
Easy fix, the volume knob on wired remote gets gunked up through time, totally strip it and blow out and ideally clean with electical cleaner, let it 100% dry and put back together, wont happen again for a long long time. :)
Interesting, i'll have to try this tomorrow. Thank you!
I have the P5800s with a similar control module, so it may be the same problem. The control module has been borking a lot lately; i mean, sometimes i have to turn my speakers on about 5 times before they even work.
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