Volume Settings

18 Oct 2002
On the Knowle
Just wondering what people set the various volumes to on pc's?

I mean you've got the speaker's, the windows/soundcard and then the games/media players themselves.

I'd guess I'd prefer to use the speakers, but then what do I set the others to for the best sound? mid? max?
I think in theory the best sound is to be had from having the volume set to the highest setting on your soundcard and audio application, as amplifiers generally prefer hot signals, especially newer amps.

It's not always practical however, so just use whatever's convenient :)

I always have my soundcard's outputs set to the highest output when I'm working with audio software such as Cubase as it really seems to make a difference for mixing and editing. I'm probably just noticing the difference between general sounds coming from the machine and working in 24/48 though.

It's also worth nothing that some amplifiers have sweet spots for gain, both coming in and going out so your milage may vary!

I think it's all probably very dependent on the gear your using, so experiment and see what works for you :)
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