My experience of VorpX is terrible.
Wrinkly, have you felt nauseous playing any VR games so far? If you have then I would avoid VorpX, it's the worst.
VorpX has improved a lot since last year. It's now very easy to configure and get into. Some people have high praise it for it, and it's why I bought it, but, it was never as good for me as I thought it would be. FlukeRogi's phrase sums it up "Vaguely working" because that's the best I could get it to work. It never looked quite right. To me it looked more like I was walking through a 360 video than I was actually there. Aiming was off, some objects don't look right and motion was vomit inducing.
Skyrim is universally claimed to the best game in VorpX. That's what I bought it for. It looks amazing when you launch the game and you look around, but after a few minutes of moving around and trying to play, you begin to notice that things aren't quite right. This was annoying for me.
YMMV of course
that's just my experience with it. I try it every so often to see if anything has improved. As I said, the interface etc has come on a lot, but, how it works and looks in games hasn't changed a bit.