Vostro 1500 Users Help Please

27 Jan 2003
Chesterfield, UK
Could some kind soul try entering the bios (F2 at Boot ) and closing the lid. Could you tell me if the Vostro goes into sleep mode?

When I first got my Vostro just less than a week ago it kept going into sleep at random times even when I was using the mouse/keyboard. The problem then seem to go away so I put it down to a driver issue. Everythings been fine upto today and now for some reason when I close the lid it doesn't go into sleep. I have checked all the setting and they all seem OK. The Vostro will go to sleep if I select sleep rom the shutdown menu.

I have read that the sleep mode should occur in the BIOS screen when you close the lid. When I close mine it doesn't sleep.

What with the initial problems I'm thinking there is a problem with the lid sensor and the acpi lid event is not firing.

If someone could try closing the lid in the Bios to see if the vostro goes into sleep I would appeciate it.

running Vista 32
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Nope mine doesn't sleep when I close the lid in BIOS either, so I don't think that's a problem.

Mine however sleeps fine when closing the lid in Windows etc.

Running Vista 32 Ultimate.


Thanks for that.

Just tried rolling the install back but still can't get sleep working. I'm at a bit of a loss now. Might have to give Dell a ring.
Just been on the phone with Dell for 40 mins and after a reinstall of the OS and quite a few other things it looks like its a hardware issue.

Thanks for the input :)
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