Vote the pirate party.... y'arrrg!

3 Jul 2008
My fabulous ship
I had to lol when I read this:

The Swedish Pirate Party is going to make a serious bid in the next European Parliament with more than 20 candidates running.

Activist Christian Engström said that if politicians want to prevent ordinary citizens from sharing files, they will constantly have to expand their ability to monitor. He wants to reform the copyright legislation to ensure that citizens' right to privacy is respected."

The Pirate Party believes people should be able to freely copy books or music for private use. It also wants the abolition of the patent system and guaranteed online privacy rights. It might have a job though. Despite the fact that Sweden's youth might believe in the aims of the party. No one votes for them. In the Swedish national election in 2006 the outfit only got 0.63 percent of the votes.

Engström argues that since then there is a growing outrage in Sweden over draconian new anti-privacy legislation, and the recent trial of The Pirate Bay in Stockholm earned saturation-level media coverage.

Membership of the Pirate Party is now larger than the Left Party and the Green Party. The party's youth section, "Young Pirates," is currently the second biggest political youth group in Sweden.


I wish the uk had one :D I hope they dress up in costume!! :D
The Pirate Party believes people should be able to freely copy books or music for private use

And what reasoning do they give for this?
For what reason do they believe that artists should also have another full time job, in order for their life's work to be given away freely?
And what reasoning do they give for this?
For what reason do they believe that artists should also have another full time job, in order for their life's work to be given away freely?

Agree with the above, whilst i'm all for privacy laws, especially concerning digital data and technology. What possible reason can they have for it. IMO it is a case of "I want it but i don't want to pay for it". If artists recieved very little compensation for their work would they bother? could they afford to do it?

Worst case as well would be services sprouting up that would buy 1 copy of a work, and distribute it via an itunes type system, charging you for apparent 'admin fees'. This would mean you're lining the pockets of someone selling someone elses work...

Although i think copyrights etc. should expire with someones death.
Being honest, I would vote for the reason that if I buy a legit copy of say a game, I want it to be legal for me to download an "illegal" copy so I don't have to roam in my DVD collection looking for the DVD for an hour only then to have to spend 3 more hours looking for the other 3 you need to install the bloody thing.

And the same with films, if there was a Steam like website for films, I would use it without a second thought. Why should it be illegal for me to rip films so I can access them easier without having to look for the DVD itself? And THEN sit through several minutes of the thing ********* at me about how I wouldn't steal it... I bought it already you idiots!
Luckily under article 16b of the Dutch copyright act, downloading music and films&series is not illegal as long as it's not spread. Shame it doesn't apply for software. Hope the law stays forever though :D.
Article 16b

1. It shall not be deemed an infringement of the copyright in a literary, scientific or artistic work to reproduce it in a limited number of copies for the sole purpose of private practice, study or use of the person who makes the copies or orders the copies to be made exclusively for himself.

This law also luckily allows for making home copy's.
Well what if I am even more lazy and cannot be bothered to rip them myself or don't know how and too thick to use google, and just download from the net? And then as P2P works only when people share stuff, it would be illegal if that file would be downloaded by someone who does not have a full copy.

That is the issue here, as then I believe that is almost distributing... I don't mind trying to mess with this, but some dvd's would be encrypted, for example I own a legal copy of diablo 2 with the expansion. But my game machine has no dvd drive any more (Steam and GoG removes the need for DVD drive). So how can I play it? Only way would be to download from the net and then try getting no CD and you know the rest. Even though I have a perfectly legal copy with a perfectly legal CD key.
Why should it be illegal for me to rip films so I can access them easier without having to look for the DVD itself?

If you lose it/scratch it'/dog eats it/neighbour steals it the manufacturer gets another nice chunk of wonga??

Or possibly because it is so difficult to allow the copying of media for backup purposes whilst limiting potential for sharing it and losing sales from other people. If they allow copying, they (apparently) lose a lot of money, if not, a few people are upset.

Having said that when i was in the US a copy of the Hulk DVD game with a free Digital version. Probably DRMd to hell ( i never used it) but i assume it allowed you to own the DVD, and have a copy for backup. I doubt any master criminal will make money off of 1 backup copy.
It's certainly illegal to produce a copy and then distribute copies, for backup purposes only I thought it was ok?

It is a grey area, but if the DVD has copy protection on it then it is illegal to bypass this. It is also illegal to change the format of the media (I.e. store on a HDD as a .ISO from a DVD)
It is a grey area, but if the DVD has copy protection on it then it is illegal to bypass this. It is also illegal to change the format of the media (I.e. store on a HDD as a .ISO from a DVD)

Ah ok, in that case most DVDs now you can't backup then, as they all say they copying is illegal. This is certainly the case with Family Guy DVDs!
I feel Johnny Depp needs to make an appearance.

Also, isnt today a bad day for pirates?

Well it's not International Talk Like A Pirate Day - that's my birthday in September!

And did the forums just have a database error for a minute or so?
When a disk says "Do not make illegal copies of this disk"... I'm trying to wonder what its legal countpart is? lol

Making back-up cd's for private home use, it's when you try to make profit from said copies it becomes illegal.

Perhaps I'm just echoing what some have said mind you.

And yes it did Maccy. :p
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