Vovlo perversion perfection?

9 May 2005
Firstly, to the inevitable trolls that these threads attract: don't bother.

If you don't 'get' it then you probably never will so don't cheapen proceedings with bad insults.

On to the pics:



$2k's worth of 17x9.5 et0 rims that weigh 17lb on a rat-look 242 that is someone's drift toy.

Love it.


Is that that Linde Bus on the right?

This is how the Ovlov used to look:



But it had a bit of an off-track excursion:


So full-on rebuild time...


So during the rebuild, a few things were added:

Garrett GT2871R turbo, dual ball bearing with the upgraded 4" compressor inlet:

A rather hefty rollcage:


With 1 month before the next event, he concentrated on the mechanicals rather than the bodywork:


I have the feeling that most of the people who have posted this thread would have a total synapse shutdown if they visited www.hoodride.com


PS: ULTIMATE VOLVO! 1968 133 Amazon with a roof chop ;)



Define 'substance'...

I could say that the only people who didn't 'get' my beard were waxed-chest metrosexuals with a fear of masculinity...

Clarkey said:
is that a dog in the back of that 262?

No...That's the right hand C pillar ;)

Wait - I just remembered that the gamma is FUBAR on this monitor.

*opens PSP*

*whacks gamma up*

Yes...yes that appears to be a dog...

Possibly a commentary by whomever potatochopped it that Volvos usually have dogs in them?

Oooh...Just remembered another Ovlov...brb.

The Volvo as was. Notice huge wheel-arch gaps and the fact that you can actually through to the other side under the car!

Nick at work, busily getting that suspension apart. The chap in the background is not ******* against that garage door, he is just painting it.

Nicely arranged tools, complete with trolley jack and tyres to hold up the car. Safety first you understand.

Huge springs...

Much better length. Two and a half coils should do it.

The front is now at a sensible height. In this piccy, the back has been lowered about 3 inches, but has since gone down several inches more.

This picture was included because it's a great shot of the volvo, but also because the new top secret project is visibly poking out of the garage. Looks like a chopped volvo? Well that is just the back of it. The front end and chassis is somthing altogether different. Visit again soon for exclusive pictures of next years star ride

Four pumps, plenty of batteries and an unhealthy abundance of hydraulic fluid, this Volvo now moves rather quickly. This pic was taken shortly after fitting the rams up front.

It is worth noting here that within a week of this little lot falling into the boot, six points had been won for causing 'distraction to other road users' and 'driving a vehicle in unroadworthy condition'. How rude.

Unfortunately, the 3 litre straight six died a noisy and messy death. Picture shows Volvo awaiting that Rover 3.5 V8 sat backstage. The hydros move it so quickly with no engine though...

Now complete with the wires from Benz. The engine crossmember is resting on the floor, and it's still not low enough (apparently). V8 is in the process of being fitted as this is typed. Be warned, this guy owns a body shop and spray booth, so this little Volvo may get out of hand.


Lopéz said:
I like the look myself. I passed a Singer Stiletto the other day in Leicester and that was all painted satin black. I immediately thought of penski and if I hadn't been desperately trying to keep the 205 running on 2 cylinders I'd have stopped for pics.

Got a couple of pics of accidental "rat" look cars in Poland last week too :D Will post 'em up in a sec.

I think I know the car you mean :/

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