VPN Error 721

30 Jul 2003
Hi Guys, quick confirmation really i think i know what the problem is.

I have a client whos in spain with an employee, they are both trying to connect to the same 2003 Standard Server using the same vpn address through the same router.

Am i correct that if 1 laptop dials out and connects to the vpn, then another one tried from the same location through the same router, as they are coming from the same address the server does not like it and doesnt allow them to connect?

after checking the servers lots of times, I just remembered this small thing and im pretty sure im right .... well i hope i am otherwise im a bit stumped :S

Many thanks
Yea, its the only thing that makes sense.

The employee never had a laptop when she went to spain before, now im getting emails saying the vpn isnt working, yet when i test it here, it works straight away....

now the company they are connecting to, does have 2 routers one 2 different addresses, and 2 servers (which are linked)

now if user 1 connects to server 1 through router 1 and user 2 connects to server 2 through router 2, still both connecting from the same site using the same router local to them.

Will this solve the problem?

I'm pretty sure its a netgear home route their using in spain, so it may well be that the router cant handle multiple vpn passthrough as well.


oh and its pptp
Have to say I've never had that problem, even on the older 2600 units. Admitedly, the web interface on the older ones is pretty poor but its all in there.

Must say i do like the drayteks even my home network is using one, the interface is a bit clunky, but generally they perform excellent, and have all the features small businesses could ever need.
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