VPS Versus Hybrid

18 Mar 2007
I am considering finally moving away from shared hosting to either VPS or dedicated. But a new product has caught my eye "hybrid".

The firm is offering a 10:1 contention ratio - is this good?

Also would i see a huge performance difference in hybrid?

100mbps data pipe, 6 cores and 20 GB fully reserved for me sounds good but how good.

Does anyone have experience with hybrid?
No experience with 'hybrid' but it sounds like that's just a dedicated server with a limit on the number of sites/customers that will use it. Who knows how much resources each of those customers will use?

With a dedicated server you are the only user so you get the full resources of the machine. That might be ideal for your application or it might be overkill. Everything else is a compromise on performance but is better for your wallet. A VPS will normally give you the same amount of freedom in terms of configuring the server but you share the base metal hardware resources with all of the other virtual servers running on it. Then with shared hosting you're normally very limited with what you can do with the server and have no idea what the contention ratio is.

Unless the hybrid server was significantly cheaper than the VPS, I wouldn't bother. Most VPS services are so cheap these days (and usually reliable too) that they make a lot of sense if you're taking your first steps out of the shared hosting space. When you want to move away from shared hosting it's often because you lack the freedom to configure things how you need them, and I don't think 'hybrid' will solve that.

Just my 2p of course :)
Well Hybrid considered a step between VPS and Dedicated not Sharing and VPS.

Essentially you get the guarnteed ram, HD, Network connnection unlike VPS.

SO essentially its going from VPS with say 25 people on it, to Hybrid with 3 people on it.

It's a new technology apparently for people who think dedicated is overkill.

I am considering merging a few clients and ecommerce into one and for my own uses but I am split minded if I have a high spec DS/Hybrid and people rent of me or i continue with all these seperate packages.

it just means my server would be mine and i'd rent it out for many other purposes including my own.

Choices choices

More on hybrid here:

My VPS gets guaranteed RAM and CPU resource.
I thought they all did to be honest, normally a guaranteed baseline and then whatever you're allowed to burst to :confused:

In your position I'd be inclined to have a separate VPS for each of your customers. Spread the risk. Unless they start demanding more performance, then you can sell them into the usual upgrade path. Those hybrid arrangements don't seem like particularly good value to me.
I must admit it seems different between hosts, I see no point in VPS if some resources are not guaranteed bar having more control over your software.

I like the idea of hybrid as a step between dedicated and VPS.

I wonder if hybrid is more about killing off vps

heres what was said:

The Hybrid server is significantly more powerful than the VPS. VPS' do share resources, and usually the most important resources that are shared by the kvmhost are bandwidth, RAM and hard disc read and write times. All three of these are dedicated on a Hybrid so that they are never shared.
A Hybrid server essentially is a high-end VPS on a machine with other hybrid servers but the CPU share you get is much higher as we only put a mix of 4-8 plans per machine. All servers are capped at around 80% to allow for maximum performance and growth.

hmm so HIGH END VPS more like!

Decent review of Hybrids:http://hybridservers.com/technology/virtualization/

Obviously my task is too keep all the clients happy and separate on a DS/Hybrid

Youtube video explaing it all: http://youtu.be/OVwZOvH2Gog
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