vr and which too look at

21 Dec 2017
well i currently have the 8700k overclocked to 4.9ghz with 16gb ram and 256gb m.2 ssd and 1tb normal hard drive , 1080ti oc graphics card i was wondering will my computer handle the vr and also if so what kind of vr system should i look at and are there many games to play , im new to pc gaming as normally xbox or ps4
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Hi and welcome to the forums :)

Yes that machine should happily play VR titles very well.

Both VR systems are good really and well supported - it all comes down to how deep your pockets are.
Thanks for the welcome , well im not rich but i don't like buying cheap crap so lets say mid range to high end :P , what kind of vr goggles and whats rated the best at the moment and whats the kind of prices
I'll get this moved to the VR sub-forum. You'll get a more targeted response there from people with actual experience of both popular systems (Vive and Oculus)
There are two main headsets at the moment. HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.
Oculus Rift 3 sensor is £145 cheaper.
Both have the same resolution. Vive has slightly larger fov, whilst the Rift has slightly sharper visuals. (noticeable in cockpit games where the dials are easier to read on the Rift). Vive has more screen door effect, whilst Rift has more god rays. Again another compromise by both. I personally chose the Rift as i preferred the pros of its visuals, but neither is clearly ahead. My bias is towards the Rift :)
Vive and Rift have comparable tracking in spaces 3x3m and smaller. Vive supports 5x5m. The Vive has the superior tracking solution here. Rift needs 4 usb ports free, 1 headset and 3 sensors. The Vives only needs 2 sensors for tracking. It frees up usb slots, but will take up plug sockets. As my play space is 3x3m, my tracking is perfect with the Rift.
Rift headset is lighter and more comfortable, however can be a problem for people who wear glasses. Need smaller rimmed ones to fit. Also the Rift comes with headphones built in. I intended to use my own, but quickly appreciated the built in ones as it was just way easier and the sound quality isn't half bad. You can buy another strap for the Vive to add headphones now, that is just raising the cost of the Vive more.
The Rift controllers for your hand tracking are superior to the Vives wands. Some people prefer the Vive wands, but i feel the majority agree the rift ones are better. They are small and fit around your knuckles into your palm. Feels more real to your real hands, whereas i feel the Vive wands make me feel like my hands are holding spoons at times.
Software wise, the Oculus SDK is better than SteamVR. Oculus have been using ASW and Cylindrical TimeWarp Layers to make the VR experience better. ASW basically dropped the minimum spec for vr by a couple of tiers. Cylindrical TimeWarp Layers making text surpisingly even clearer. Vive can use software to be able to use the Oculus store and play any of the games. Just not with the use of the asw etc. Rift can also use Steam. However there is concern about Oculus store. Will your next headset work with it? If not then you wont be playing your old rift games on it. It is still early to know. There is an openvr in development that may change things up. Or other headset developers may allow Oculus low level access to implement their own SDK. I believe HTC won't allow this.
Gamewise i think Rift has the best VR games. Oculus have really put some money into the game development. However, recently Fallout 4 VR released. It is definitely appreciated even though it is a port and lacks a lot of VR refinement. But it is hands down the biggest VR game in size there is. VR still doesn't have its GTA's Witcher sized games yet. Fallout is the first, although not perfect. It is only support officially on the Vive. It will run on the Rift but the controls are not correct and borderline broken. There are tweaks and fixes that can make it a lot more bearable, but very far from ideal situation.

Anyways, my personal opinion is Vive is no better than the Rift (actually think Rift is better package) however the Rift comes with free games and is £145 cheaper.
I actually prefer the Vive except for its lack of thumb sticks. Current pricing however means I would recommend the Rift every time!
I choose the Rift after playing on both, the Rift controllers alone won me over, and the ‘summer of Rift sale’ was a bonous!
There’s hardly a difference between the two headsets but there’s some things worth considering, the Oculus Rift requires some additional purchases to get its 360 room scalling up to par with the HYC Vive, a 3rd sensor from Oculus, that will set you back another £59, and then you may find you need additional usb extenders for the sensors, and the oculus rift is VERY fussy with its usb’s, you will find a list of supported ones online, in fact it’s so fussy regarding it’s usb’s, I HIGHLY recommend you download the compatibility checker from the Oculus Rift website, many people, myself included, needed to buy a PCIE adapter for the Rift to work, (inatech pcie adapter, Amazon). The Vive is very much open the box and away you go and you don’t need to connect it’s lighthouses (sensors) to a PC.
Also there’s sadly an issue with console esq exclusives titles at the moment, Oculus has its own funded titles on Oculus Home, that Ned a 3rd party tool called Revive to get working on Vive and there’s an issue regarding Fallout4 VR and LA Noire case files that require work around to get working on the Rift.

All in all, I bought a Rift, but which ever you choose you will be a very happy customer.
Some very good responses here. I am a Vive owner but recommend the Rift too. Price is soo much better and you get the controllers and better headstrap/headphones off the bat. You can buy an add-on for a head strap with built in speakers for the Vive but that is an added cost which is a lot more than the extra sensor the Rift needs. Controllers too are included with Rift and Vive has some similar ones on the way, but again they will be an extra cost.

The tracking may be inferior (slightly) and USBs annoying but if I am honest I do get envious of the 'always on' nature of the Rifts webcams too. Yes I could leave my lighthouses plugged in but for whatever reason I don't like doing so. On the Rift they come on when you put the headset on and don't need plugging in.
The touch controllers are the main advantage of the rift. They are way ahead of any other VR controller currently out there and work equally well for hand presence as for shooting guns or using other VR objects, especially with the gesture tracking which really adds to the immersion.
The forthcoming Vive knuckles will probably be more advanced, but of course will be an extra cost.
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