VR Flight Sim recommendations for kids.

4 Nov 2022
El Mundo

I was wondering what you guys would rate a good entry level flight sim for kids?

I saw MS flight sim but that's probably a bit too advanced for my son (6) at this moment in time maybe, unless there's like a free flight mode?

DCS World has also been mentioned but again looks pretty advanced with tutorials?.

Star Wars Squadrons?

Elite Dangerous?

His Thrustmaster HOTAS One joystick arrived today. :)

Thanks in advance.
I gave up even earlier than that - having to individually configure every button/axis on the joystick before even taking off the first time was tedious - I'm sure the realism offered is extraordinary, but they could learn a lot from MSFS to help the casual gamer.
To be totally honest I'm totally blown away by MSFS ATM. My son was the one originally who wanted to play it, but when I can get to the computer the flight training in VR and hotas is probably the most enjoyable and realistic VR experience I've had since owning my VR setup. It's great!
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