VR Game Libraries

26 Nov 2003
Wales, UK
With the Black Friday deals announced for both the Vive and Rift I'm looking to make a purchase this weekend but am still bouncing back and forth between the systems. It seems like both platforms are pushing their own digital shop fronts (Viveport and Home?) with exclusives on both sides and a bunch of games also available on a more neutral platform like Steam and/or accessible by the other system via stuff like ReVive.

For current Vive and Rift owners I would be interested to hear what the current breakdown in your VR library is like in rough percentages, eg:

Titles bought on Home: ? %
Titles bought on Steam: ? %

Titles bought on Viveport: ? %
Titles bought on Steam: ? %

Also, for Vive owners would you say that a Viveport subscription is mandatory or do you just tend to buy individual titles as needed?
Are all the Rift titles on Home also available via Steam or are some being restricted or priced more competitively on Home to encourage purchase there?
Thanks for the feedback and advice, guys!

I have to say this has been the most agonising gaming hardware decision I've had to make in a long time since I've been looking at the Vive and Rift more closely in recent months with a view to buying into VR. Both systems have so many pros and cons...while not completely analogous its feels a bit like the 3D graphics market just before 3dfx began to falter and their early Glide dominance gave way to OpenGL and ultimately DirectX. Numerous times I've checked off one particular VR system as the preferred option only to unearth some minor quirk about it that makes me reconsider!
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