VR Headset for an 11 year old

Hand controllers come with it.

Its gone up £100 since it came out, so its not as good value as it was. Bear in mind you might need some further accessories. Literally a ton of great games these days, depends what sort of stuff they like. :)
That's great, I'd seen some "bundles" for sale and wasn't sure!

He's into Minecraft and Roblox, loves building stuff.
Ah, not sure on building games. Township Tale perhaps.....others might have some input

i love TT, i do that on my own (much better in a group though)

TT on the Quest 2, you get your own server, but its a scaled down version of the PCVR version, but the PCVR version, you need to pay a monthly fee (or jump on other peoples servers)

there is a new one coming out soon, (cant think what its called) and there is Sim City VR
Measure your kid's IPD (there are phone apps that easily do this) then check the lowest setting of any headset you're thinking of buying.

If their IPD is lower than the headset offers, I can't imagine it will be good for their eye development.
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