VR - Horror, Scary and Jumpy Titles

17 Nov 2007
Hey All,

I could only find one other review thread on scary / horror VR titles which is from way back in 2016, things have moved on a lot since then with many more VR devices and titles are now available.

Lets get a list together of your scariest VR moments and recommendations and what platform they are available on.

- Alien Isolation - not native but VR added through 3rd party patch (PCVR)
- Face your Fears - series of experiences some quite jumpy (PCVR and Portable)
- Affected The Manor - creepy experience (PCVR and Portable)
- Dreadhalls - intense dungeon experience (PCVR)
- Ghost Town Mine Ride - horror game (PCVR)
- Paranormal Activity Lost Soul- horror game (PCVR and PSVR)
- Transference - horror game (PCVR and PSVR)
- Five Nights At Freddy - horror game (PCVR, PSVR and Portable)
- Layers of Fear - horror game (PCVR and Portable)

Let me know and I will update the main list :D
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Ahh yes I forgot about Dreadhalls, bit vomit inducing if you not got your VR legs :D

Ghost town mine ride is a new one for me, will check it out.
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