VR Laptop?

30 Sep 2011
Hey. I am hoping you are all going good.

I am wondering whether there are any of you using VR on gaming laptops and how it's going. I am looking at a middle ground option for VR with a laptop from Overclockers. Thanks for helping.
a laptop isn't exactly middle ground - a top of the range laptop with a 1080 that runs VR well will be very expensive.

i don't see the point in getting a weak laptop to run VR when the equivalent money would get a good desktop for VR, and the desktop can be upgraded in the future - e.g. the Vive Wigig will need a PCIE slot

laptops have a few issues with VR, depending on the HMD you are going for: Rift needs loads of USB ports, Vive can be weird with 3.0 USB, Vive Pro needs USB 3.0.
If was going to use a laptop for VR, I would be looking at a Windows Mixed Reality headset. Needs less usb ports then the other VR headsets, seems to run better on not so powerful PC's and is easy to setup compared to the other headsets.
Thanks guys :) I on't really know it all but I've been hammering time over the past 2 weeks researching the options. I have a Desktop which I purchased from Overclockers about 7 years ago. Still running like day 1 somehow :O. I bought because I thought I would upgrade and it still can but I'd rather get a laptop for gaming and game designing. I've been designing a game for 3 years and it would be nice to room hop or travel while I continue working. To be honest I'm not one of those guys who hits Max settings. I'm happy with a small screen and a nice game to enjoy with a beverage. A mid range set up will work nice especially if it means I can still pwn on Rocket League XD I'm decided on GTX 1060 on a laptop this can run GTA V and Destiny with no problems at 1080p 40-60 fps max settings according to some charts and guides I have been following for laptop GPU's. VR would be a bonus but I can tell it's still trying to fit with the hardware and still requires many inputs to hone a great set-up. Being able to hook up to a monitor is a major plus too.
My friend and I have Razer Blades.. both of which have the 1060, I've not been able to try my Rift on it yet (bloody wife is making me wait until my birthday) but my friend has a Vive and says it's absolute rock solid performance. The Blades whilst perhaps costly for what you get are geared towards Gaming and VR.
In terms of non-VR Gaming I can vouch that it runs brilliantly. I run the likes of PUBG at high settings and Far Cry 5 at Ultra/High.

Laptop has a premium feel with it being a Metal chassis and the build quality has been excellent on both mine and my friends, the ONLY negative I have against it is when gaming the fans can run LOUD! I wear headphones so aside from ruining Eastenders for the wife I have no complaints, I get to have PC Gaming and she gets my company whilst watching awful television.

I regularly run Destiny 2 on this at max settings and again I don't think it's ever dipped under 60fps, but you need it plugged in, with no power connected it will dip to 30 frames but believe that can be changed if you don't mind your battery being drained.

Not sure there is more that I can add, heard people say some negative things about them but I play mine more than my desktop.
I really want to buy a VR laptop to take on holiday but the idea of spending 1.5K and getting a crappy machine makes me feel very unhappy.

is a laptop with a Ryzen 2400G good enough to run WMR / Samsung Odyssey? I heard the IGPU on that is much better than Intel's version.
I'm running the following:

Alienware 17 R3 (gtx 970m)
i7 6700HQ
1.5TB of SSD
Desktop FE 1080 gtx in a graphics amplifier

Works absolutely fine for my rift... BUT the amplifier does make it quite a big thing to lug around.

Fine if I'm travelling with work and in my car tho.

May be possible to pick up one cheap now they're a few years old?
Alienware 17R4 here. i7-6820HK, GTX1080 and Oculus. Bought it just over a year ago and it still plays every game I’ve thrown at it with everything turned up to max. Absolutely brilliant machine.
Alienware 15R3 GTX1070 with G-Sync. Runs perfectly with Oculus. Though I have been thinking of changing to the Aero 15X with GTX1070 maxQ for portability.

There are good deals on Dell outlet if you look long enough
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