My friend and I have Razer Blades.. both of which have the 1060, I've not been able to try my Rift on it yet (bloody wife is making me wait until my birthday) but my friend has a Vive and says it's absolute rock solid performance. The Blades whilst perhaps costly for what you get are geared towards Gaming and VR.
In terms of non-VR Gaming I can vouch that it runs brilliantly. I run the likes of PUBG at high settings and Far Cry 5 at Ultra/High.
Laptop has a premium feel with it being a Metal chassis and the build quality has been excellent on both mine and my friends, the ONLY negative I have against it is when gaming the fans can run LOUD! I wear headphones so aside from ruining Eastenders for the wife I have no complaints, I get to have PC Gaming and she gets my company whilst watching awful television.
I regularly run Destiny 2 on this at max settings and again I don't think it's ever dipped under 60fps, but you need it plugged in, with no power connected it will dip to 30 frames but believe that can be changed if you don't mind your battery being drained.
Not sure there is more that I can add, heard people say some negative things about them but I play mine more than my desktop.