VR reccomendation for my setup and room please

1 Nov 2013
Hello lovely forum people.

I haven't decided on which VR solution to buy yet, this is where you come in! ;)

i would like a recommendation for my room and set up.

I have a 4770k/1070 main rig in my living room and a 1080p TV. Can i link the VR up to my TV so others can see what im seeing whilst my rig renders the VR? The rift is £220 less than the vive - whats the difference? money isn't an issue, its more of wanting to buy the right tool for the job.

in this video he seems to use a gun of sorts, is this an accessory?

Rift is cheaper because it doesn't come with controllers like the Vive does.
They will cost another £190ish so then the prices are comparable.

Yes you can show VR display on another display. I have mine set like through my TV too.

He has some kind of add-on for his vive controller. Doesn't look like it adds functionality other than the dimensions of a gun.
I have a 10m HDMI cable, which i can route behind the settee from my PC to the TV - is that all i need? i notice the VIVE has shot up in price to £770 :/
I've ordered HTC vive.

Anything else i should know ? games/resources etc..?

i have some sennheiser 363D's headphone/mic combo which uses a USB sound card but also has 3.5 jacks for mic/audio - can i use this with the vive?
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