VS 2010 report design help

Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Hi guys, I need a little help.
I'm trying to create reports which get their data through an ODBC connection, this is causing me problems as the course I was sent on taught us how to do things while connected to a SQL DB, which I'm finding is just different enough in the commands I need to cause me headaches.

Anyway onto the problem.
I need to pass parameters to a query before the report is run, in this case to show the records which have a SupplierCode between 2 values.
I've managed to work out how ODBC likes its parameters passed and got it working as a query, but as soon as I try to complie and run the report it throws me an error that no parameters have been specified which they haven't as I want it to ask me for the values.
Using the BIDS evironment and connecting to a SQL server this was easy as you put in your parameters in the SQL statement and it popped up with little input boxes at the top of your report at runtime.

I have a feeling I may need to add the input boxes to my VS Form so that it knows I want input but I don't know how to link them to my parameters.

I've probably explained this very badly but if anyone has any ideas I'd be very greatful.
I've figured out how to get my input box linked to my parameter, but I still get an "Argument not specified for parameter" error when I try to complie.
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