
16 Feb 2004
Has anyone else started to use VS2012 now it's RTM?

I'm just having a play around and it's so horrible to look at after VS2010, everything is just black and grey :(
I grabbed it from MSDN yesterday but haven't done anything with it yet. To be honest I'll probably leave it for now. Those drab colours and the upper case menus, why why why?! VS2010 is so nice now they've ironed out the UI bugs. 2012 is probably closer in UI design to 2003 :(

I am thinking about upgrading my TFS2010 install to 2012 though, but the updates seem to mainly be around project management.
I tried the RC, hated it and it also broke my install of VS 2010

No doubt I will be forced to use it at some point, I just don't understand that horrible UI
Yeah the MS user voice and forum sites all have massive complaints about it since the very first beta but it's like they've simply ignored this feedback. It's like a backwards step for MS after some pretty decent releases in the last few years.
Yet to even look at it myself. Menus don't bother me - it's all about the keyboard short cuts for everything.

The theme can be swapped, surely? Just like it can in VS2010? I love me some "Son of Obsidian" theme :)
Nope there's no theme support and limited customisation, all this was asked for


Oh watch out for this as well, .net 4.5 upgrades the .net 4 dll's in the GAC directly instead of being a side by side install like all the older versions where. So if you run in .net 4 mode for win xp users your'e actually using bug fixed .net 4.5 dll's which can hide bugs etc.
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I'm remarkably unsurprised that MS have taken a feature that was so good and ruined it. They even made a big stink about being able to use themes in vs2010 and made it a selling point.

Presumably there is a new WinForms package (built to support/pimp "the artist formerly known as Metro") they used to build the UI of vs2012 with and haven't added a customisable theme feature to it yet. Hopefully they'll get to it.
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There is "light" and "dark" :p. Dark is not so bad, but I prefer 2010 + e.g. Son Of Obsidian.

The much improved C++11 support is great (though until the promised patch comes, we can't target XP with VS2012 native C++). Still miles behind gcc -- e.g., no initializer lists, wtf?!
I've been using it today a fair amount, the grey scheme is slowing growing on me. At least it's brightened up a bit when you use source-control inside it with all your red/green status icons for your files :p.

The fact I can open a VS 2010 project without having to upgrade it is very handy.
Dark UI helps to reduce eye fatigue and eye strain for programmers.

Staring at white text on dark background is much easier on the eye than black text on a bright background.
In static screenshots I thought the new look was awful, but now I've actually started using it I like it. There are quite a few nice additions, it's significantly faster than 2010 with large solutions and finally having an 'official' dark colour scheme without hours of tweaking is great.

If you don't like the ALL-CAPS menubar you can disable it in the registry:
DWORD: SuppressUppercaseConversion
Value: 1
Alternatively install a free extension like VSCommands which supports customizing the menu bar (I have it on auto-hide) and other little extras.
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