VWs way of sending a message

At least choose a road that had cars on it lol. There is no way looking at a phone will cause you to veer off the road into some trees.
In terms of sending a message to everyone in a certain area? It's very possible to do it :)

I've never experienced this. Some plebe on youtube commented it'd be by presidential decree only in the US, interesting. Just all a bit conviennent looking and all, but yeah. The people who use their phones and drive are going to keep using their phones and drive.
It could be done multiple ways, you could use something like bluetooth advertising, this is being used more and more. Lots of signs outside advising people to turn on bluetooth etc, it has been used quite a bit with concerts to push out info and offers.

There are other ways too but they aren't classed as legal/ethical. I don't really want to go into that though, google is your friend if you want to learn more :)

Cell broadcasting is an option but I doubt they would be able to use it for a publicity stunt.

As you said it could also be scripted.
you could use something like bluetooth advertising, this is being used more and more. Lots of signs outside advising people to turn on bluetooth etc, it has been used quite a bit with concerts to push out info and offers.

Not to seem like I'm arguing with you (I'm not you just bring up good points)
The Bluetooth advertising thing, I remember that was a fad about 10 years ago? And nothing has come of it, seriously nothing, I got a bluetooth thing on my phone when I went into a shop once, it was supposed to be this whole new network of interaction that just never happened. Oh for what could have been...
I thought it was just me that had noticed it. Not that I ever used my phone when driving of course ;)

Speed limits are there to cover not just experienced drivers, but incompetent teenage girls, pensioners, school mums in 4x4s and brain dead chavs.

The mobile phone ban is pretty much the same imo.
If you let people answer calls there would be some retard somewhere filing a 'no win no fee' claim because they thought it was OK to play angry birds with two hands whilst on the motorway.

One day I may have a car crash for whatever reason, but in nearly 9 years I have not had one, nor have I received any points so I can't be doing too much wrong.
I don't use my phone at the wheel, but it often functions as a sat-nav. The main reason I keep to speed limits is so camera vans don't give me a ticket :p.

With regards to the OP, reading a whole text is just daft....at least read a few words then look back at the road :p.
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At least choose a road that had cars on it lol. There is no way looking at a phone will cause you to veer off the road into some trees.

Are you kidding? Any form of relocation of vision and/or head will change your ability to drive in a straight line.

Even locking the wheel with a tighter grip so it doesn't move can be problematic if the road tramlines or changes direction slightly.
What a load of ****. No one watches adverts in cinemas. Film that in the Cineworld in Brighton and instead of people watching the advert with a "what's going to happen" look about their faces, you'd get a load of swearing and moaning about not getting enough benefits.
My phone is live next to me for one reasing, plugged into the AUX input, every now and then, I hit the lock button to bring me to the locked window, which has a widget allowing me to press 'next track'. No need to take my eyes off the road.

Other than that, don't see why you would risk it, would you read a paragraph from a book at a time when driving?
car should have been fine..... none of them should have their phones on in the cinema..... inconsiderate people :mad:

saw a woman driving along on monday in flowing traffic. she was having a conversation with the phone in her right hand held up to her face and she was looking/sorting/fussing with her eye makeup in the mirror. :eek:

GG love....

also this "text alert" tech..... won't be long until every company has one and you'll get 50 messages just wandering down the high street trying to give you loans, claim ppi for you, tell you you're entitled to 3k for that accident you had some time in the past 3 years. not to mention then the scammers that will undoubtedly link phishing links/premium numbers etc etc...

but for the idea of emergency notifications it's amazing! can imagine it's great too for people with disabilities like the hard of hearing, building on fire.... sound alarm goes off....guy doesn't hear anything but feels phone vibrate...checks message " RUN!!! BUILDING ON FIRE!!" guy escapes with his life :)
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