
30 May 2004
is it just me that see like a white blur when looking at things against a white back ground?
ie: move my view from side-to-side while looking at the palm trees in de_dust/2 on cs??
is this normal????
other than that great panel :D
it can be apparent to some people and is a result of the overdrive control on the panel itself. Commonly referred to as overdrive trailing and it is caused by the 'overshoot' of the voltage applied to the liquid crystals, which forces them to change faster, but sometimes not as accurately. It can happen on a lot of screens with Response Time Compensation (overdrive), but the Viewsonics are about as good as you can get from RTC panels right now in this regard
i c, its not really that noticable, just was a bit worried it may have been a fault, are there any better methods that manufactures use?
not really at the moment. Review sites have started to monitor the overshoot on models like this as it can be an issue. With improved responsiveness it seems there are some drawbacks at present. This article at X-bit labs is very interesting and worth a read, as it studies RTC in more depth there :)
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