w810 - full screen video?

26 Aug 2003
The North
I've just recieved mine and was wondering if anyone knows of any programs about that will let you watch videos full screen. Also what are the optimum settings when encoding video files for playing on the w810.

At the moment i'm using Super (c) -3gp,mpeg4,AAC,176x144,11:9,15fps,128kbps. It works pretty well but was wondering what others used really.
Mpeg4 is what i decode into for my k750i its a lot better quality than 3gp

Dunno about the rest of the settings i never play around witht hem that much :)
What program do you guys use to make your video clips?...

I've got a W800i and all I've got on it is a copy of 'The Birds' by Pixar someone posted on here about 5 months ago!...
Simian said:
What program do you guys use to make your video clips?...

I've got a W800i and all I've got on it is a copy of 'The Birds' by Pixar someone posted on here about 5 months ago!...

Do you mean what we use to convert them?

I use PVauthor which you have to buy.
Yep Sorry (I'm a bit tired at the mo!... Strugling with words!)

Any (sort of) Decent Free ones???... :)
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