Waddington Air Show

10 Jun 2013
Manchester, UK
Hello chaps,

Come July I'll be taking a bunch of cadets to Waddington Air Show and want to try and take some decent photos of the day as for a lot of them it'll be a whole new experience for them.

I confess my knowledge of photography stretches as far as my iPhone zoom function and Auto on my Nikon, so forgive my stupid questions.

I currently have a Nikon D3000 which I appreciate is just a baby camera compared to what some of you guys have... Is this going to be 'good enough' to get some decent shots?

Would I be better off getting a bigger lens to zoom in more and if so, which one?

Cheers :)
Thanks for all the replies folks, some very interesting reading here. Sorry it took so long to check back in!

My current lens is 'AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G' which if I am honest means absolutely nothing to me. All I know is that it has been fine for any photos I have wanted to take up until now.

I know it's a sin to all the experienced photographers, but I've never took my camera off Auto mode as it's done pretty much everything I need it to. A friend said I should be looking at getting something like this: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nikon-AF-S-NIKKOR-55-300mm-4-5-5-6G/dp/B003ZSHNCC/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top

I think I need to spend some time learning the basics of photography as things like aperture and shutter priority mean nothing to me. I do find it all very interesting though so some reading is definitely in order.

And you think you'll have time to take photos inbetween stopping them getting drunk and destroying everything?

I remember when I was a cadet:D

Nobody dare give me any grief or they'll be walking back from Waddington!
That's an excellent photo. I'm guessing it wasn't achieved through what I'll be doing - Auto mode? :p

I saw your lens on the other day and did want to make an offer, the only reason I didn't being the fact I loathe spending any substantial amount of money for a lens I know I will probably only use once or a few times at best.
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