Wake up to Lazytown

4 Jul 2005
Cardiff, UK
Not sleeping well this morning I decided to switch on the TV and was greeted by 'Lazytown' and Sporticus. I was actually impressed, kids TV that rolls out a positive view on healthy living and eating (Sports Candy aka Fruit).

Do you remember the days when at the end of He-Man (I think it was He-Man) they would have a "Now listen kids be nice and share", a summary of morals to this story?

(As its regarding positive messages in TV for children I thought it belonged here)
Sporticus is actually a very successful athlete in his field of fitness and does a lot to promote good living, I agree, it's a nice thing to see, though the dolls on that program are freaky.
LazyTown has a website http://lazytown.com/

I seen the first episode at the begining of the year. There is a new series coming soon that is already doing the circuit in the US although the songs are not as catchy as the first series lol :o

haha my 17 yr old sister loves lazytown...so much so i bought her it on DVD for her birthday :D
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